How do I calculate the difference between two numbers in different rows?
Glenna said:How do I calculate the difference between two numbers in different rows?
KenSheridan via AccessMonster.com said:What you appear to have done is enter the whole query as a subquery of
another query.
1. You need to start with a query which returns the columns [Order], [Month]
and [JTD Clm], with one row per Order/Month, but without the variance
between months, which you seemed to say that you'd been able to do. Save
that query.
2. Then you create a new query based on that query, which is what I posted.
To create this open the query designer, but don't add any table to it. Then
switch to SQL view and paste in the following in place of whatever is there:
SELECT [Order], [Month], [JTD Clm], NZ([JTD Clm] -
FROM [YourQuery] AS Q2
WHERE Q2.[Order] = Q1.[Order]
AND CDATE("1 " & [Month]) =
(SELECT MAX(CDATE("1 " & [Month]))
FROM [YourQuery] AS Q3
WHERE Q3.[Order] = Q2.[Order]
AND CDATE("1 " & Q3.[Month]) <
CDATE("1 " & Q2.[Month]))),0)
AS Variance
FROM [YourQuery] As Q1
ORDER BY [Order], CDATE("1 " & [Month]);
3. Then change each occurrence of YourQuery in it to the real name of the
query you saved in 1 above. If any of the column names returned by that
query differ from those in the SQL statement above change those too.
Hopefully you should now be able to open this second query.
Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England
I tried it and now it says the following error message:
"You have written a subquery that can return more than one field without
using the EXISTS reserved in the main queries FROM clause. Revise the SELECT
statement of the subquery to request only one field"
I'm sure it's something I did. I created a new query with the table that
contains only the columns order, month and JTD Rev Clm. I brought down those
three columns and then used the next available column to type the following:
Expr1: (SELECT [Order], [Month], [JTD Rev Clm], NZ([JTD Rev Clm] - (SELECT
[JTD Rev Clm] FROM [CTC Test] AS Q2 WHERE Q2.[Order] = Q1.[Order] AND
CDATE("1 " & [Month]) = (SELECT MAX(CDATE("1 " & [Month])) FROM [CTC Test] AS
Q3 WHERE Q3.[Order] = Q2.[Order] AND CDATE("1 " & Q3.[Month]) < CDATE("1 " &
Q2.[Month]))),0) AS Variance FROM [CTC Test] As Q1 ORDER BY [Order], CDATE("1
" & [Month]))
[quoted text clipped - 16 lines]Is this the same question as that which you posted yesterday:
Glenna said:How do I calculate the difference between two numbers in different rows?