I have an order-database with a form based on an product-table for
registration and updating of the products.
When I receive an invoice, the prizes are sometimes incl VAT and sometimes
ex VAT. In my products table I've a field for both of those values.
In my productsform I then have a "exlvat" and "inclvat" textbox bound to
it's respectivly fields in the productstable.
I would like to have an AfterUpdate effect that calculates the exlvat when
input the inclvat on my form.
I've tryed:
Me!exlvat.value = Me!inclvat.value / 1,25
but I only get errormessages.
I need a way to divide "inclvat" on 1,25...
registration and updating of the products.
When I receive an invoice, the prizes are sometimes incl VAT and sometimes
ex VAT. In my products table I've a field for both of those values.
In my productsform I then have a "exlvat" and "inclvat" textbox bound to
it's respectivly fields in the productstable.
I would like to have an AfterUpdate effect that calculates the exlvat when
input the inclvat on my form.
I've tryed:
Me!exlvat.value = Me!inclvat.value / 1,25
but I only get errormessages.
I need a way to divide "inclvat" on 1,25...