-----Original Message-----
Sorry, Liz, but there would be a problem with this. There are not 365 days
in every year. By the time someone is 65 years old this will report the age
incorrectly about 15 days out of the year. Datediff, as in Steve's
response, will not have this problem
Tom Ellison
Microsoft Access MVP
Ellison Enterprises - your one stop database experts
Liz McCracken said:
You should probably change your birthdate field to an
actual date/time field. Format as mm/dd/yyyy.
Then create a query - add in the birthdate field. Create
a new field called AGE. Enter the following formula in
the age field:
Age: (Now()-[Birthdates])/365
The query will list the ages (in years). To look for only
those people over 65 enter >65 in the criteria row of the
age field.
Good Luck!
Liz McCracken, MOS
-----Original Message-----
I have a database of clients that includes a birthdate
field formatted numerically as mm/dd/yyyy. I want to
calculate clients' ages and then run a report of all
clients age 65 and over.