?Diff2Dates("ymd", #06/01/1998#, #06/26/2002#, True)
Okay. This is what I got from the link you sent me to. I don't want those
particular dates in there. My field is called [Birthdate]. So how would that
look calculating from today's date and using my fieldname. I tried replacing
the 06/01/1998 with the field and 06/26/2002 with Now() and Date(), but got
errors on all tries. Do I need the # signs in there? It won't work no
matter what I try
fredg said:
In that order - years, months, days
I got the above from a post but when I try it I get #Error
Check "A More Complete DateDiff Function" at
It does work.
In my Debug Window using your dates:
?Diff2Dates("ymd", #06/01/1998#, #06/26/2002#, True)
4 years 0 months 25 days
Using your [Birthdate] field .....
In your query add a new column.

iff2Dates("ymd", [Birthdate], Date(), True)
If you wish to do this directly on a form or Report, then add an
unbound control.
Set it's control source to:
= Diff2Dates("ymd", [Birthdate], Date(), True)
Using my data, with a Birthdate value of 5/24/2007, my text control
value is "0 years 8 months 7 days" from then to today.
Change the True to False and the value is
8 months 7 days.
Open the module into which you pasted the function.
Click on Debug + Compile
It should not return any errors.
Make sure the name of the module into which you pasted the function
does not have the same name as the function (i.e. NOT Diff2Dates.
mdlDiff2Dates is OK).
Now try it again in a query.