I need to calculate a running total on an excell
worksheet. I am doing this for a timesheet. The columns
i will have are Start, End, Total, Runnig total
example : 11:00pm 7:00am 8 8
9:00pm 1:00am 4 12
This is how i would like to work it. Can you help me with
step-by-step instructions ? I am not very computer saavy
so please explain in simple english if possible. Thank you
worksheet. I am doing this for a timesheet. The columns
i will have are Start, End, Total, Runnig total
example : 11:00pm 7:00am 8 8
9:00pm 1:00am 4 12
This is how i would like to work it. Can you help me with
step-by-step instructions ? I am not very computer saavy
so please explain in simple english if possible. Thank you