Calc returns < 0 always when shouldn't

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chrissy
  • Start date Start date


I calculate a field [NetDays] that is a function of the
result of dividing DateDiff [DaysTotal] by a number the
user inputs [NetDaysAdj]; I correctly get [NetDays]=

However, when I attempt to divide a currency field by
this, [RevPos]= [RevAmt]/[NetDays] I get $0. I suspect
[RevPos] as its determined by the results and differences
of two subforms as follows.


Both the above subforms return correctly as individuals
on the parent form.

I just cannot see what the problem is, nor can I
determine a workaround.

Can anyone help?
I'm not quite following your question, but if the calculation is being
performed on a form and any of the fields needed in the calculation are on a
subform (or vice versa) I think you will need to use different language to
reference the "foreign" field. You don't say where you are performing the
calculation (whether in a text box or in a query), but if you are having a
problem constructing the formula in a text box you may want to try a
calculated field in a query.