Hi Scott,
Thank you, however in the way you show it to me, it looks to me a little bit
as an alternative operation for persisting dataset between pages and I
assume that is it not.
In my opinion are there three different operations. The viewstate belongs to
the page, the session to the session from the client and the cache to the
The viewstate and session are good described, so about that I have no
With the cache it is a different, this is the only (more than some lines)
documentation I have from the cache.
According to this, I think that a dataset in a cache belongs to all users to
an application and not to one client. (By instance an article dataset to
have as reference for an hour in memory to speed up).
Therefore, to use the words from your question, that means in my opinion
that using the dataset in a cache is persisting data between clients and not
between only pages.
However, although that is what I think these pages tell me, I would like to
have piece of documentation where that is more explicitly told, and
therefore I was following this thread.