You can also implement a "home grown" simple solution using the Singleton
Design Pattern.
This is "per machine" (in winforms) .. not "per application".
You can find the syntax usage at my blog:
But here is some code:
SimpleCacheHolder sch = SimpleCacheHolder.GetInstance();
sch.Add("mykey" , new Exception("use an exception as a demo for any
object o = sch["mykey"];
//o = sch.Remove("mykey"); // Or remove it
if (null!=o)
Exception eeeexxxxx = o as Exception;
Console.WriteLine (eeeexxxxx.Message);
} look for "Web Session Object Holder" or something
like that.
public class SimpleCacheHolder //: IDataStore
private static SimpleCacheHolder singletonInstance = null;
private HybridDictionary m_memoryStore = null;
//private Hashtable m_memoryStore = null;
private SimpleCacheHolder( )
m_memoryStore = new HybridDictionary(); // Implements IDictionary by
using a ListDictionary while the collection is small, and then switching to
a Hashtable when the collection gets large.
//m_memoryStore = new Hashtable(); // Or go straight for the HashTable
/// <summary>
/// Singleton representing Memory store.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static SimpleCacheHolder GetInstance( )
if( null == singletonInstance )
singletonInstance = new SimpleCacheHolder();
return singletonInstance;
public void Clear( )
m_memoryStore.Clear( );
public void Add( string key, object value )
if( m_memoryStore.Contains( key ) )
m_memoryStore.Remove( key );
m_memoryStore.Add( key, value );
public object Remove( string key )
// see
// for java method, which returns the object you removed, in case
// you want to do something with it
object returnObject = null;
if (null != this.m_memoryStore)
if( m_memoryStore.Contains( key ) )
returnObject = this.m_memoryStore[key];
m_memoryStore.Remove( key );
return returnObject;
public object this[ string key ]
if( null != m_memoryStore[ key ] )
return m_memoryStore[ key ];
return null;
public int Size
if( null != m_memoryStore )
return m_memoryStore.Count ;
return 0;