Cable modem slowed with new computer.


Christopher F

Hi, I recently purchased a new HP computer (3.0 Ghz, 512 SDRAM, 160GB)
loaded with windows XP and my Internet connection has been severely

I use RoadRunner online cable modem service, Internet Explorer 6.0, and
Windows XP. I've done a google search for help but none of the solutions
seem to work.

Here are the symptoms I'm experiencing: extended and long pauses on
downloads from high bandwidth sites. (I know the cause is my end b/c they go
through normally when I hook back up to my old computer) Moreover, existing
pages will come up as "page not found" at times; usually I'll enter it in
again and it'll come up just fine. And the "Opening page" in the Internet explorer will stay on for a very
long time before connecting with the server.

I've tried everything from disconnecting my firewall and Norton AntiVirus to
downloading every Windows XP patch available, and all to no avail. Does
anyone know what it might be, and a solution? I can only imagine that this
it's the Windows XP, because when I hook my cable modem up to my old
computer with Windows 98, the modem and internet connection flow smoothly
and without a hitch.

Thanks again. And other than that my new computer works great and is as
quick as lightning.

The Unknown P

unfortunately XP isn't optimized for performance. In this
case the most important thing for you is the receive
buffer. I have dsl and mine is set at 256960. Rather large
but then I want speed. I regularly get 174KB\sec and I am
300 miles away from my internet provider. Yep 300 miles
and 174KB\sec and thats large KB. There are about 15
tweaks I had to make in the registry as there isn't
anywhere to do it in the control panel. Try this program
it's free and it works. I tested it and I don't know who
made it but someone finally got it right. SpeedXP. Do a
search and get it from the closest site to you. If you
need more help then let me know. IE only allows 2
simultaneous downloads and I tweaked it for 10 so that
pics and pages just seem to pop onto my monitor and does
stuff like checking on remote computers to see if they
have scheduled tasks which I turned off. Read aheads and
so on are all set for dial-up. So if you need more help
e:mail me I have just spent the last month 8-10 hrs a day
researching this exact problem. My Internet Provider said
I would only get 130 to 150KB\sec and now I tell their
techies how to get the most out of XP. Have fun


First thought, are the drivers for your LAN card up to date? Is the card
PCI, if so, is it seated all the way? Are you using the same modem and wires
to connect to both PC's? Other than that all I can think of is a defective



I'd phone Roadrunner and make sure all the settings are
fine. Do a tracert to the site you want, and check where
it gets stuck. It might just be a DNS setting or an
incorrectly configured gateway or port or something (We
don't have cable technology in this country, so I'm
guessing) It's usually a DNS problem. Or try pinging the
site. And then browse to the IP address ie: That's for Yahoo. (Don't try
Microsoft or Google, they don't allow it) If that come up
immediately (try others as well) you can start pinpointing
the issue. Maybe I'm totally wrong...


Unknown; "unfortunately XP isn't optimized for performance."

I use XP with a cable modem. I am not familiar with the service the OP'r has
or what to expect from it but, with my connection, at times I download in
excess of 3Mb's. I wouldn't blame poor predominance on XP!



I hate you.

We get a max of 25kb/s on DSL, max connection of 384 and a
max transfer of 3Gigs per month. Up and down. And we're
about 8 miles from the closest pop.

And I promise you, you'll never get better speeds than
that here.

I can't even get quarter of that speed on our 512 ISDN
leased line. Gota love a 3rd world country.

(Is cable and DSL the same? Sorry for my ignorance)


And I hate you even more than Unknown... Read my reply to
his post.

You get 3Mb/s? I get 3kb/s at home. Promise.

Jim Macklin

cable means (generally) a coaxial service piggy-backed with
cable television. It is a shared LAN on what they call a
head-end. (Nodes in each neighborhood.)

DSL is digital subscriber line (several variations
DSL -lite, ADSL) a direct connection to the nearest
telephone switching office and speed drops off with
distances greater than about 3 miles from the switch.

Make sure you have set your Internet connection properties
to use the DSL modem, check in both network connections and
in IE. Are you using a NIC or USB modem connection?

message | I hate you.
| We get a max of 25kb/s on DSL, max connection of 384 and a
| max transfer of 3Gigs per month. Up and down. And we're
| about 8 miles from the closest pop.
| And I promise you, you'll never get better speeds than
| that here.
| I can't even get quarter of that speed on our 512 ISDN
| leased line. Gota love a 3rd world country.
| (Is cable and DSL the same? Sorry for my ignorance)
| >-----Original Message-----
| >unfortunately XP isn't optimized for performance. In this
| >case the most important thing for you is the receive
| >buffer. I have dsl and mine is set at 256960. Rather
| large
| >but then I want speed. I regularly get 174KB\sec and I am
| >300 miles away from my internet provider. Yep 300 miles
| >and 174KB\sec and thats large KB. There are about 15
| >tweaks I had to make in the registry as there isn't
| >anywhere to do it in the control panel. Try this program
| >it's free and it works. I tested it and I don't know who
| >made it but someone finally got it right. SpeedXP. Do a
| >search and get it from the closest site to you. If you
| >need more help then let me know. IE only allows 2
| >simultaneous downloads and I tweaked it for 10 so that
| >pics and pages just seem to pop onto my monitor and does
| >stuff like checking on remote computers to see if they
| >have scheduled tasks which I turned off. Read aheads and
| >so on are all set for dial-up. So if you need more help
| >e:mail me I have just spent the last month 8-10 hrs a day
| >researching this exact problem. My Internet Provider said
| >I would only get 130 to 150KB\sec and now I tell their
| >techies how to get the most out of XP. Have fun
| >.
| >

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