Moe Hair
I was just wondering if I'm the only one who hears my hard drive crank on
occasion, with the activity light flashing. I know it could be spyware.
I've done plenty of sweeps in the last few days with numerous programs, not
to mention virus checks. I've also run tlist -s to see what my 4 svchost.exe
processes are doing (nothing out of the ordinary) and also check my task
manager regularly to see all the processes running.
I know it could be Windows accessing the net or the Norton AV program, or
even Zone Alarm blocking incoming missiles.
Do any or all of you notice your activity light flashes on a regular basis?
occasion, with the activity light flashing. I know it could be spyware.
I've done plenty of sweeps in the last few days with numerous programs, not
to mention virus checks. I've also run tlist -s to see what my 4 svchost.exe
processes are doing (nothing out of the ordinary) and also check my task
manager regularly to see all the processes running.
I know it could be Windows accessing the net or the Norton AV program, or
even Zone Alarm blocking incoming missiles.
Do any or all of you notice your activity light flashes on a regular basis?