c00000fd (stack overflow)



Just switched ISP's from cable to SBC-Yahoo DSL. The
SBC Yahoo self installer hung repeatedly, and eventually
it took tech support to work around that. Somewhere during
that process stuff broke.

IE won't launch, try to run Search or Control
Panel from the start menu and I have a serious crash.
Windows writes a Dr Watson log file, everything refreshes
and the system tray is missing half of its stuff. You can
dbl click My Computer and that works OK (my default is
Explore, not Open). From there can Explore another folder
or even Control Panel from there but if you try to right
click and OPEN a folder and boom! it crashes.

So right now I'm stuck with SBC's dorky YBrowser,
and I cannot do many things that apparently require IE
(like Search)

Here's what I've done so far one or more times, none have
had any affect. (Its a dual boot, and the XP side has no
- Repair IE6 from add/remove programs
- Revert to IE5.5 from add/remove programs
- Reinstall the IE6 SP1
- Run SFC
- Reinstall W2K on top of itself and reload all of the
SP's and patches

Each time a Dr Watson log is written it always indicates a
stack overflow, except for the time and pid its always
this... and of course a lot more;

Application exception occurred:
App: explorer.exe (pid=1852)
When: 9/13/2003 @ 20:04:26.203
Exception number: c00000fd (stack overflow)

I'm utterly frustrated. Any and all suggestions are

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