C clintonG Jan 26, 2004 #3 Learning OO C# is easier when to the greatest extent resaonable we separate the language from the .NET Framework and ASP.NET. As a classroom instructor I recommend such 'just-the-language' text books such as those published by Deitel and Deitel. "C# A Programmer's Introduction." SEE: http://www.deitel.com/ SEE: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...f=sr_1_1/104-6433332-3854337?v=glance&s=books "C# Primer Plus" SEE: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...f=sr_1_1/104-6433332-3854337?v=glance&s=books -- <%= Clinton Gallagher A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA NET (e-mail address removed) URL http://www.metromilwaukee.com/clintongallagher/ LaGarde StoreFront 5 Affiliate: e-Commerce Solutions SEE: http://www.storefront.net/default.asp?REFERER=-201499070
Learning OO C# is easier when to the greatest extent resaonable we separate the language from the .NET Framework and ASP.NET. As a classroom instructor I recommend such 'just-the-language' text books such as those published by Deitel and Deitel. "C# A Programmer's Introduction." SEE: http://www.deitel.com/ SEE: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...f=sr_1_1/104-6433332-3854337?v=glance&s=books "C# Primer Plus" SEE: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...f=sr_1_1/104-6433332-3854337?v=glance&s=books -- <%= Clinton Gallagher A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA NET (e-mail address removed) URL http://www.metromilwaukee.com/clintongallagher/ LaGarde StoreFront 5 Affiliate: e-Commerce Solutions SEE: http://www.storefront.net/default.asp?REFERER=-201499070