c# , windows 98 and OLE

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I m making a C# windows application which connects to excel to retrieve live data( stock quotes which are feeded to this

excel sheet from other program via internet). The data in excel sheet is continuously changing and I want it to be reflected

in my C# windows application, means i should get access to dynamic data all the time (like DDE, but it's earlier technology)

So my questions are

1. Can I use OLE with c# to maintain a permanent link to Excel so that data flow is there? Is OLE the right technology as

speed is an important criteria for my application

2. My application will also run on these systems: Windows 98, Windows XP. XP is no probelm but i think i need to distribute

..NET Resdistributable with my Application for running on Windows 98. Is this the right way? Will my application run

flawlessly on Windows 98?

Thanks for considering my query
Look at the Visual Studio Tools for Office. That should make things pretty
easy. The apps performance on the local machine will most likely not be the
bottleneck (getting data from the net will be slower almost always).


However, I think VSTO only works with Office 2003, so Windows 98 is out
(which is obsolete and you should be moving off of it anyways).

Even so, interop will still work fine, and should run on Windows 98. Whether
or not your application will run flawlessly is something left up to you :).
