Srinivas Kotipalli said:
Hi Daniel,
In this context (between C# and VB.NET) what task is being solved by one
language than the other? They both are capable of solving the problem in
equal terms and the ultimate result is in IL right?
Both are possible, but each does provide a few small bits to help. As I
outlined in my first post, if you are dealing with alot of COM interop, VB
is invaluable with allowing you to use optional parameters and late binding,
instead of large amounts of empty values passed in which you are required to
in C#.
Same goes for image processing or large amounts of native interop, for
example. C#'s unsafe code facility allows you to more directly and simply
work with the data in a performant and efficent way.
If the project will not benifit from the particular facilities of either
language, then and only then should past comfort come into play, in that
case it doesn't matter what language you choose, just pick the one you want.
I can't tell you which you want, can I?

If you are an old VB hand, I would actually recommend starting with C#(and
if you were an old C++ hand, perhaps VB would be better, but java probably
directly to C#) . It seems that people who start with a language different
from what they were used to pick up the .NET ideals and write more .NET like
code than if they go the direct update path. I see alot of C++ in C# code
being posted and people confused as to why it doesn't work, I can only
imagine that similar things happen with VB.