C# to VB : internal

  • Thread starter Thread starter stuart
  • Start date Start date



I am trying to convert a C# class that produces a "self describing menu" in
a console app.

the c# project defines the following class

internal class MenuAttribute : Attribute
public int MenuKey = 0;
public string MenuCaption = string.Empty;

public MenuAttribute( int k, string c )
MenuKey = k;
MenuCaption = c;

however there does not appear to be an equivalent of the internal keyword in
also the c# project then goes on to describe menu Items as

[MenuAttribute(6, "Test Sequence Controller Process Begin")]
private static void TestProcessBegin()

Is there an equivalent of this syntax in vb.
I tried <menuattribte.... but the compiler did not like that.

any help is appreciated.


however there does not appear to be an equivalent of the internal keyword in

I believe "Friend" is the VB.NET equivalent of internal.
also the c# project then goes on to describe menu Items as

[MenuAttribute(6, "Test Sequence Controller Process Begin")]
private static void TestProcessBegin()

Is there an equivalent of this syntax in vb.

<Menu(k:=6,s:="Test sequence Controller Process Begin")>

should work, I believe.
Hi jon,

cheers for the reply

it nearly works :)

I have replaced the C# function

[MenuAttribute(6, "Test Sequence Controller Process Begin")]
private static void TestProcessBegin()

with a vb version

<Menu(k:=6, s:="Test sequence Controller Process Begin")> &_
Private Function Quit()
End Function

but the compiler does not like the line continuation character &_, so I
removed it and then I get a different error saying the statement is

also I don't understand why the class is defined as

Friend Class MenuAttribute

but when I reference it that I have to use "Menu" and not "MenuAttribute"

thanks for your help.



Jon Skeet said:
however there does not appear to be an equivalent of the internal keyword in

I believe "Friend" is the VB.NET equivalent of internal.
also the c# project then goes on to describe menu Items as

[MenuAttribute(6, "Test Sequence Controller Process Begin")]
private static void TestProcessBegin()

Is there an equivalent of this syntax in vb.

<Menu(k:=6,s:="Test sequence Controller Process Begin")>

should work, I believe.
stuart said:
Hi jon,

cheers for the reply

it nearly works :)

I have replaced the C# function

[MenuAttribute(6, "Test Sequence Controller Process Begin")]
private static void TestProcessBegin()

with a vb version

<Menu(k:=6, s:="Test sequence Controller Process Begin")> &_
Private Function Quit()
End Function

but the compiler does not like the line continuation character &_, so I
removed it and then I get a different error saying the statement is

Don't use "&_" as the line continuation indicator. Use " _".
also I don't understand why the class is defined as

Friend Class MenuAttribute

but when I reference it that I have to use "Menu" and not "MenuAttribute"

It's convention that attribute class names should end in "Attribute".
The C# and VB.NET languages allow you to use the full name or to use the
name with the "Attribute" portion dropped as an abbreviation.
thanks for your help.



keyword in

I believe "Friend" is the VB.NET equivalent of internal.

also the c# project then goes on to describe menu Items as

[MenuAttribute(6, "Test Sequence Controller Process Begin")]
private static void TestProcessBegin()

Is there an equivalent of this syntax in vb.

<Menu(k:=6,s:="Test sequence Controller Process Begin")>

should work, I believe.