Charles Law
I have the following structure (for example) that I wish to convert for use
in VB.NET. What would be the best way to do it? Ideally, it would convert
directly to allow access to the bit fields in the same way as in C++, but I
cannot see any mention of bit field declarations in VB.NET.
typedef struct _DCB {
DWORD DCBlength;
DWORD BaudRate;
DWORD fBinary :1;
DWORD fParity :1;
DWORD fOutxCtsFlow :1;
DWORD fOutxDsrFlow :1;
DWORD fDtrControl :2;
DWORD fDsrSensitivity :1;
DWORD fTXContinueOnXoff :1;
DWORD fOutX :1;
DWORD fInX :1;
DWORD fErrorChar :1;
DWORD fNull :1;
DWORD fRtsControl :2;
DWORD fAbortOnError :1;
DWORD fDummy2 :17;
WORD wReserved;
WORD XonLim;
WORD XoffLim;
BYTE ByteSize;
BYTE Parity;
BYTE StopBits;
char XonChar;
char XoffChar;
char ErrorChar;
char EofChar;
char EvtChar;
WORD wReserved1;
} DCB;
in VB.NET. What would be the best way to do it? Ideally, it would convert
directly to allow access to the bit fields in the same way as in C++, but I
cannot see any mention of bit field declarations in VB.NET.
typedef struct _DCB {
DWORD DCBlength;
DWORD BaudRate;
DWORD fBinary :1;
DWORD fParity :1;
DWORD fOutxCtsFlow :1;
DWORD fOutxDsrFlow :1;
DWORD fDtrControl :2;
DWORD fDsrSensitivity :1;
DWORD fTXContinueOnXoff :1;
DWORD fOutX :1;
DWORD fInX :1;
DWORD fErrorChar :1;
DWORD fNull :1;
DWORD fRtsControl :2;
DWORD fAbortOnError :1;
DWORD fDummy2 :17;
WORD wReserved;
WORD XonLim;
WORD XoffLim;
BYTE ByteSize;
BYTE Parity;
BYTE StopBits;
char XonChar;
char XoffChar;
char ErrorChar;
char EofChar;
char EvtChar;
WORD wReserved1;
} DCB;