'C:\Program Files\ms gaming zone\windows' folder can't be deleted


Peter Nguyen

I am unable to delete the folder C:\Program Files\ms gaming
zone\windows'...It keeps saying that the file is in use even though the
folder is empty...I can delete it in safe mode, but when it boots up into
normal mode, the folder comes back...I've downloaded, updated, and ran
Spybot and Ad-Aware, but it still can't find anything...I've downloaded
'Process Explorer' and it found that the folder was linked to
'WINLOGON.EXE', but I don't know how to make it release the folder...Any
help would be appreciated...

Richard Urban

It's a Windows "system" folder and it is protected. It can't be deleted.
Live with it!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

Peter Nguyen

That was what I suspected...Thanks...!

Richard Urban said:
It's a Windows "system" folder and it is protected. It can't be deleted.
Live with it!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

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