C# or Delphi

  • Thread starter Thread starter lukeharpin
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Currently I have been developing applications in Delphi 7. Recently I
meet up with a friend of mine who previously developed in Delphi, from
version 1 - 7. When Delphi 8 .net was release he found too many bugs
and switch to C# and loves it. I hope to do the same. However, I have a
few hurdles to jump.

Firstly my boss is a Delphi nut. I have heard the guy who originally
developed Delphi worked on the development of C# ? If so this maybe
sufficient ammunition alone.

Secondly we have nearly completed the localization of an app for Japan.
This has been a massive achievement due to all the problems we've
encountered along the way with Delphi and Rave Reports. I even had to
scrape Rave due to it not translating correctly and develop my own
reporting tool. Has anyone completed localization in Japanese with C#
.. I would be interested to know.

Thirdly has any one been down this route of converting Delphi code to

Thanks in advance
Firstly my boss is a Delphi nut. I have heard the guy who originally
developed Delphi worked on the development of C# ? If so this maybe
sufficient ammunition alone.

Yes, one of the original architects and creators of Turbo Pascal and
later Delphi, Anders Hejlsberg, is now one of the master minds behind

Switching from Delphi to C# was very easy for me, too - thanks to the
brilliant architecture we've enjoyed in Delphi since 1995 !

C# as a language is easy to learn with a Delphi background, no big
hurdles there - a few annoyances at first, but with a bit of
programming under your belt, you'll feel comfortable.

Using and making the most of the .NET Framework classes is a
no-brainer, too, thanks to having used the VCL extensively. You just
feel right at home. Again, a few annoyances and idiosyncrasies (why on
earth aren't the buttons on a toolbar individual objects, with a Click
event of their own??? A single click event handler for the whole
toolbar?? With a big switch statement inside to figure out which
button has been pressed???? This sounds like VB - not like C# / OOP to
Thirdly has any one been down this route of converting Delphi code to

I didn't really convert any existing code to C# - no point in doing
so. But all new stuff at work is done in C#, and with a Delphi
background, picking it up and using it productively has been very easy
- the C++ guys are still struggling with all those "new", weird
concepts like properties on classes etc. :-)

So I don't think it'll be tricky going from Delphi to C# - then again,
why even bother? Delphi 2005 is a very good and solid .NET language
and development environment, too - you can do everything you can do in
C#, right from Delphi 2005 - heck, you can even compile C# code with


Marc Scheuner May The Source Be With You!
Berne, Switzerland m.scheuner -at- inova.ch
I think a migration to Delphi.NET would be the best way to switch to the
..NET platform.
- Michael S