C#/.NET Assembly solving problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Guido Buecker
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Guido Buecker

hi there,

i have problem with a special "application" scenario. maybe someone more
experienced has an idea.

what i have is a main mixed mode managed C++ dll and a bunch of dependent
(C#/.NET) dll's
the main dll is loaded as an AddIn into Excel (via Excel97 SDK)

now the AddIn won't load because it cannot find it's dependent dll's. This
is because the Excel.exe is treated as the application and all (private)
assemblies (and .config files) are searched in the application directory
(which is the Excel directory and not my "application" dir).

the question now is, is there a way to solve this scenario without switching
to shared assemblies (and installing all the stuff in the GAC)? i know that
it is no big deal to do so (and in fact i've alredy done it) but i'm just
curious if there is another solution.

thanks in advance


I think you can use Assembly.LoadFile(string path) to dynamicly load the

Herman Eldering
You should be able to subscribe to the AssemblyResolve event. In the handler
you search the list of assemblies already loaded into the appdomain looking
for a match, and if found return it. If it's not already loaded you search
the directory where the addin is installed for the requested assembly, and
when found use LoadFrom to load the assembly into the appdomain.
ok, many thanks, that worked so far.
but now i have two more questions.

the first might be of a more general type: do i have to uninstall the
ResolveEventHandler? or more general, do i have to generally uninstall
EventHandler's. i never saw something like "event -= _MyEventHandler".i
suspect that this is (somehow) automatically done with garbage collection.
am i right? but then what about static callbacks?

i just read about the possibility to compile a manifest as a resource into a
dll. would that be an alternative way to solve the problem?

bye, guido
Glad it worked.

To uninstall it you use a -= instead of a +=, all the other fields on the
line are the same. For example,

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve -= new

I don't believe you need to do this - once your assembly is loaded it should
stay loaded, so there should not be any problems with Excel making a call to
a function that is no longer loaded.

I am not sure what you mean by compiling a manifest as a resource but it
would not solve your problem. Given the way Excel appears to load your
assembly the runtime will never automatically resolve those references.
I don't think so. That wont resolve the problem where the assembly has
dependencies on other assemblies that reside in directories outside of the
application base directory or one of its subdirectories. Also, they were
describing a means of adding a manifest as a resource to a win32
application, not to a .net application. This definitely does not apply to
anything you can do to your .net component.