I'm working with a C program (about 40 k LOC) and I'm interested
in the possibility of translating it into Java bytecodes, the
goal being to package it as part of a system, the remainder of
which is written in Java.
It seems theoretically possible that the C code could be
compiled into MSIL, and then the MSIL translated into Java
bytecodes. Can someone comment on the feasibility of this?
I've searched the web, but all I've found are some vague
statements (and a lot of flamage). Maybe it's not possible,
I'd just like to get a clear statement one way or the other.
Language wars and "that's stupid, why do you want to do that?"
comments go straight into the bit bucket. Fwiw.
Thanks a lot for any light you can shed on this topic.
Robert Dodier
I'm working with a C program (about 40 k LOC) and I'm interested
in the possibility of translating it into Java bytecodes, the
goal being to package it as part of a system, the remainder of
which is written in Java.
It seems theoretically possible that the C code could be
compiled into MSIL, and then the MSIL translated into Java
bytecodes. Can someone comment on the feasibility of this?
I've searched the web, but all I've found are some vague
statements (and a lot of flamage). Maybe it's not possible,
I'd just like to get a clear statement one way or the other.
Language wars and "that's stupid, why do you want to do that?"
comments go straight into the bit bucket. Fwiw.
Thanks a lot for any light you can shed on this topic.
Robert Dodier