Windows XP SP2 on Dell laptop
Started having trouble with windows update site about a year ago.
computer would slow to a crawl and take an hour to boot.
Turned off autoupdates and updated manually when I had an hour to spare.
Recently did all the critical updates and then got error:
C:\$MFT is corrupt.
STUPID ME! Didn't look that up before I attempted to use a restore point to
return to an earlier version. This is how I fixed the windows update issues
in the past.
First restore point didn't work.
Chose an earlier one and now I cannot boot in Safe Mode at all.
I suspect the harddrive is fragmented and full and I would happily delete
tons of stuff, but I cannot boot
Error is (lsass.exe)
oleaut32.dll cannot load
I cannot chkdsk or defrag or boot. I assume I will have to format and
reinstall but I would like to get my data off first.
In the old DOS days, we would boot off a floppy, grab the data, and format.
I was hoping to get into a command prompt if only to delete and make space.
My first priority is data. But of course I need to be able to boot to do
that. I think the HD doesn't have enough free space as it is - so I am
reluctant to reinstall XP - but would give that a try if you think it won't
make things worse.
Started having trouble with windows update site about a year ago.
computer would slow to a crawl and take an hour to boot.
Turned off autoupdates and updated manually when I had an hour to spare.
Recently did all the critical updates and then got error:
C:\$MFT is corrupt.
STUPID ME! Didn't look that up before I attempted to use a restore point to
return to an earlier version. This is how I fixed the windows update issues
in the past.
First restore point didn't work.
Chose an earlier one and now I cannot boot in Safe Mode at all.
I suspect the harddrive is fragmented and full and I would happily delete
tons of stuff, but I cannot boot

Error is (lsass.exe)
oleaut32.dll cannot load
I cannot chkdsk or defrag or boot. I assume I will have to format and
reinstall but I would like to get my data off first.
In the old DOS days, we would boot off a floppy, grab the data, and format.
I was hoping to get into a command prompt if only to delete and make space.
My first priority is data. But of course I need to be able to boot to do
that. I think the HD doesn't have enough free space as it is - so I am
reluctant to reinstall XP - but would give that a try if you think it won't
make things worse.