c# & matlab

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fabian Ruranski
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Fabian Ruranski


i'm searching for a way to connect matlab from c#.

im vb it is very easy:

Set MatLab = CreateObject("Matlab.Application")
result = MatLab.execute("a=5")

but im c# ????
Fabian Ruranski said:

i'm searching for a way to connect matlab from c#.

im vb it is very easy:

Set MatLab = CreateObject("Matlab.Application")
result = MatLab.execute("a=5")

but im c# ????

A quick search in the help-files gives me
Object MyObject;
MyObject = Server.CreateObject("Acme.Component.3");

Try searching for CreateObject and COM in the documentation for
more detailed information.
If it's available as a COM object or somesuch,
VS.Net should be able to build you a wrapper.
It's in Add Reference, one of the tabs at the top
is COM References, IIRC...

Have a nice day :)
Jim Bellinger
James F. Bellinger said:
If it's available as a COM object or somesuch,
VS.Net should be able to build you a wrapper.
It's in Add Reference, one of the tabs at the top
is COM References, IIRC...

I've tryed following :
I added reference to COM : "Matlab Application (Version 6.0) Type Library"
and then wrote this :

using MLApp;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
MLAppClass ml = new MLAppClass();

First line opens Matlab Command Window.

Second line couses exception :

"An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in
Additional information: QueryInterface for interface MLApp.DIMLApp failed."

That example in VB that Fabian posted works fine. This one doesn't.
Does anybody know why?