I am looking for a way in C# to format my output. I want
to be able to specify a disply width and then have the
variable printed at minimum with that width.
I can accomplish this is C and C++ as follows:
C - printf("%5d", someInt);
C++ - cout << setw(5) << someInt;
What is the C# equivalent? I have been trying:
5}", someInt); - This however has
leading zeros placed in it.
Thanks for your Help.
to be able to specify a disply width and then have the
variable printed at minimum with that width.
I can accomplish this is C and C++ as follows:
C - printf("%5d", someInt);
C++ - cout << setw(5) << someInt;
What is the C# equivalent? I have been trying:

leading zeros placed in it.
Thanks for your Help.