Good morning Bob and Cholo
If you would like to handle System::OperationCanceledException and all the
subclasses of System::OperationCanceledException in the if statement, we
can use Cholo's suggestion of dynamic_cast:
if (dynamic_cast<System::OperationCanceledException^>(ex))
// if ex belongs to a subclass of System::OperationCanceledException, the
above if statement will still return true.
// Decode the exception and tell the user about it
If you would like to only handle System::OperationCanceledException and
disregard the subclasses of OperationCanceledException, the 'typeid'
keyword will be proper:
void ReportError(System::Exception^ ex)
if (ex->GetType() == System::OperationCanceledException::typeid)
// Decode the exception and tell the user about it
Please let me know whether the above information is helpful to you or not.
If you have any other questions/concerns, feel free to tell me.
Have a very nice day!
Jialiang Ge (
[email protected], remove 'online.')
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