C# dynamic SQL from Form Input

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan
  • Start date Start date


I have a date field on a C# form I would like to use in the WHERE
clause of a SQL statement going against Access2002. Do I need to
perform a todate() type funtion on the textbox field on the form? What
would the SQL statement look like?

Thanks in advance - Dan

You should be using a parameterized query for your SQL statement.
Basically, you would create a SqlCommand (or OleDbCommand, etc, etc), with
the command text of the command like this:

select * from table where datefield = @datefield

Then, you would add the appropriate parameter to the parameters
collection on the command, and set the value of that to a DateTime instance.
When you execute the command, the provider will be responsible for
performing the necessary conversions in the sql statement to a
representation that the database server can understand.

Hope this helps.
First off, don't use Dynamic Sql, use Parameters ..

YOu can use the same methodology that's used here, just set the command
type to text and use ? whereever you want the param to appear

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE SOmeDate = ?";

cmd.Parameters.Add(CType(tbMyDateTextBox.text, DateTime))

