C drive

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sandy
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I have windows 2000 that me and my 17 year old son use. We
both are set up as administrators. I want to access his c
drive because I have a gut feeling that he is viewing
porn. ( Who would have thought, huh, a 17 yr old
boy!!..lol). Can this be done? or at least a way to access
his temporary internet file. Perhaps a way to get his
desktop access password?
Sandy said:
I have windows 2000 that me and my 17 year old son use. We
both are set up as administrators. I want to access his c
drive because I have a gut feeling that he is viewing
porn. ( Who would have thought, huh, a 17 yr old

Why skip step 1, and ASK him first?

Anyway, yes, of course it can be done.
Me thinks the question here becomes "Who da' daddy?"

The " C drive" is the same "C drive" for both of your logins. If you chase
down the path "C:\Documents and Settings" you will see directories for both
of you or him and Administrator. Unhide the files in the folders or go to a
command line and use a form of the command "dir \*.jpg /a /s /b". Some
extensions to look for are JPG, GIF, TIF, AVI.

Now ... don't assume. With the proliferation of SPAM in the last month he
could have a LOT of crap sitting in his temp files, as do you most likely.
Did he look at it? Did you Daddy? Point is the existence of JPG and GIF
files of nude humans doesn't mean he is cruising for it. It could be
attachments to SPAM and or popups. Try one of those good old "man to man"
conversation things ... oh ... and LISTEN as much as you pontificate. If he
really is cursing the sites you don't want him to cruise then change your
password, drop his privileges, and set internet zones on everything. Or ...
ban him from the computer by deleting his account. Hmm ... if he knows more
about the computer than you do ... goodluck. In my case ... I've been doing
this for 30 years, so he didn't stand a snowball's chance in Hell. :)

By the way ... why does he need admin privileges, since you have not
provided him with his own computer?