Aug 21, 2006
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This is driving me around the bend. I recently reformatted my PC and when I tried to turn the PC off, I got a box coming up with C:/Degbuglog.log in it. I thought at first it had something to do with Norton Internet security and then I found somewhere that said that you had to disable script debugging in Internet Explorer 6. I did that and it seemed to work. Then I did it again. I then disabled script debugging in other and it hasn't done it again. Mind you, I haven't tested it that many times yet. I read somewhere that it might have something to do with creative sound. I have got that installed but I can't uninstall it is because it isn't listed in the add/remove programs. Has anybody come across this problem and if so, do you know how to put it right because it really is getting on my pip at the moment

It sounds like your computer requires a microsoft update.There is on update that fixes something else but then it causes this problem.then you have to get another to fix the problem that it created.Me,I just deleted the latter and shut my automatic updates off.Go to the update page and read up on your updates.