I wonder what's the difference of compilation between using command line and
using VS.NET IDE.
For I have a windows service program, there's always a difference between
the output file size, e.g. file size compiled by IDE is 45,580, by command
line is 40,960.
my command line is like:
csc /debug+ /warn:4 /define
EBUG;TRACE /r:%MYREFS% /target:exe
/out:svr1.exe *.cs
I wonder what's the difference of compilation between using command line and
using VS.NET IDE.
For I have a windows service program, there's always a difference between
the output file size, e.g. file size compiled by IDE is 45,580, by command
line is 40,960.
my command line is like:
csc /debug+ /warn:4 /define

/out:svr1.exe *.cs