C# call to C++ static class raises NullReferenceException when web.config gets modifided

  • Thread starter Thread starter AAguiar
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Thanks for your replies. Last week, I continued working with this problem.
Trying to reproduce the error, I developed a short example and found that
the problem is related to strong name dll.

Following is the example to reproduce it.

I have a C++ project (mixed dll, managed and unmanaged), with classes:
EncodeDecode.cpp, EncodeDecode.h, DecoderRing.cpp as follows:


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "DecoderRing1.h"
#include "EncodeDecode.h"
EncodeDecode::EncodeDecode(int theKeyOffset)
keyOffset = theKeyOffset;
char* EncodeDecode::Encode(char* pMessage)
char* pEncoded = new char[strlen(pMessage) + 1];
char* pDest = pEncoded;
char* pSource = pMessage;
while (*pSource != '\0')
*pDest = *pSource + keyOffset;
*pDest = '\0';
return pEncoded;
char* EncodeDecode::Decode(char* pMessage)
char* pDecoded = new char[strlen(pMessage) + 1];
char* pDest = pDecoded;
char* pSource = pMessage;
while (*pSource != '\0')
*pDest = *pSource - keyOffset;
*pDest = '\0';
return pDecoded;
#pragma once
class EncodeDecode
int keyOffset;
EncodeDecode(int theKeyOffset);
char* Encode(char* message);
char* Decode(char* message);
// This is the main DLL file.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string.h>
using namespace System;
#include "EncodeDecode.h"
#include "DecoderRing.h"
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
class String2Char
char* m_sptr;
String2Char(String* s)
IntPtr* m_ptr =__nogc new
m_sptr = strdup((char*)m_ptr->ToPointer());
delete m_ptr;
operator char* ()
//return (m_sptr =
return (m_sptr);
public __gc class DecoderRing
static String* Encode(String* message)
char* pEncoded = (new
String* encodedString =

delete pEncoded;
return encodedString;

static String* Decode(String* message)
char* pDecoded = (new
String* decodedString =
delete pDecoded;
return decodedString;
// DecoderRing.h
#pragma once
#include <stdlib.h>

In this project, Confguration properties->C/C++->Command line=
/O2 /AI "Release" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDLL" /FD /EHsc
/GS /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/vc70.pdb" /W3 /nologo /c /clr /TP /FU
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorlib.dll" /FU
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.dll" /FU

Confguration properties->Linker -> Command Line=
/OUT:"Release\EncodeDecode.dll" /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO /DLL
/INCLUDE:"__DllMainCRTStartup@12" /DEBUG /PDB:"Release/EncodeDecode.pdb"
/NOENTRY /FIXED:No msvcrt.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib
winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib
uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib
Aditional options= /noentry /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT
This project make the EncondeDecode.dll

I have a second dll: MyCrypto.dll
using System;
namespace ManagedDll
public class DataStoreUtil_2
public static string LoadDataStores(string msg)
return (new MyCrypto()).Decode(msg);
public class MyCrypto
public string Decode(string msg)
string res1=DecoderRing.Encode(msg);
return res1;
I make MyCrypto.dll with MyCrypto.rsp=
AssemblyInfo.cs (**)

And I have a dll for the aspx=
using System.Web;
using System;
using ManagedDll;
namespace Programs
public class simplehandler : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string res1 =
context.Response.Write("<br>res1=" + res1 +
"<br><br> ");

catch(Exception e)
context.Response.Write("<br>error=" +
e.Message + "<br><br> " + e.StackTrace);
public bool IsReusable
return true;
The web.config file=
<trace enabled="true" />
<identity impersonate="true" />
<add verb="*" path="*.aspx"
type="Programs.simplehandler,simplehandler" />

To reproduce the error:
1) Go to http://localhost/services/simplehandler.aspx (this is OK, you can
see the message "hello world"),
2) Restart the aspnet_wp process (windows task manager),
3) Press F5 in page 1) (this is OK)
4) Modify web.config file (Add to it a blank space for example),
5) F5 in page 1) => The following error appears = Object reference not set
to an instance of an object. at ManagedDll.MyCrypto.Decode(String msg).
This error (step 5) only appears when AssemblyInfo.cs (**) have a
AssemblyKeyFile (is a strong name dll), but doesn't appear when it isn't a
strong name dll.

Any help or direction regarding the resolution of this problem is welcomed.
Thanks in advance.
Hi AAguiar,

Thank you for the response. Regarding on the issue, I am finding proper
resource to assist you and we will update as soon as posible. In the
meantime, If you have any new findings, please feel free to post here.

Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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OK. Thank you.
I don't have new findings for now, but I'm continue working on this issue.

I hope the example helps to reproduce the error.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi AAguiar,

I'm still focus on this issue and trying to repro it via the code you
provided. I'll let you know as soon as I've got any progress.

Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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Ok. Thank you

I hope you can reproduce the error with the supplied code, if you have any
question about it, please ask me.
Hi AAguiar,

I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long time. Currently I've done
serveral tests on the code you provided. However, some conditions are a bit
different from your description, here is what I found:
1. I tried build all the components without any strong-named, and test the
handler following the repro steps you mentioned. then all is ok.

2. As you said, the problem occured only when you build the "MyCrpto"
component as strong-named. Did you also build the "EncodeDecode.dll" as
strong-named? Did you use VS.NET IDE to build them? I used the VS.NET ide
to build them and found that if only "MyCrypto" is strong-named and
"EncodeDecode" is not strong-named , then when I try build the them,
VS.NET will popup a exception said that "EncodeDecode" is not strong-named
which will prevent me from successfully build the MyCrypto. So I'd like to
confirm you with this.
If you use other means to build all the assemblies which didn't occur such
error, I think the cause of the problem is likely due to "EncodeDecode"
assembly is not strong-named also.

3. In addition, I've also test the case that I set both "EncodeDecode" and
"MyCrypto" assembies as strong-named and then
use them as the repro steps above in a ASP.NET web app. The result is the
same as in 1, no exception occured.

So please check out the suggestions I mentioned above. If you have any
questions or new findings, please feel free to let me know.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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Steven, thanks for the reply.

1. Ok. I agree.

2. Yes, I always built EncodeDecode.dll as strong name, and I used VS.NET

3. In this case is where I get the exception after I follow the 5 steps that
I described in my previous post.

I have windows xp and IE 6.0

I think maybe I have different settings in the EncodeDecode project.

Which settings do you have in your C/C++ Command Line and Linker Command
Line ?.

Thanks again.
Hi AAguiar,

Thanks for your reply and the further info you provided. I've attached the
test solution which contains all the test projects. You may check on it to
see whether there're any difference , also you can have a test on it on
your side. If still remains the problem, I think we need to look for some
other things for throubleshooting , do you think so? In the mean time, I'll
do some further tests on my side to see whether I've lose any thing.
If you have questions or any findings, please feel free to post here.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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Thank you for sending me the test solution.
I already tested it and I'm getting the same error.

I agree with you, that we need to look for some other things for

The application is very simple; perhaps we have differences in other things
like virtual directory or user's permissions:

- My virtual directory ("services") isn't checked for anonymous access, and
is checked for Integrated Windows Authentication.

- The test user (which I'm logged in) is member of the Administrators group.

- The error always disappears if MyCrypto.dll and EncodeDecode.dll haven't
got a strong name, or if I set impersonation="false" in web.config file.

It's very strange. Do you think that it would help if I reinstall aspnet ?.
Hi AAguiar,

Thanks for your response. Yes, in addtion to something with the code, the
problem is likely due to some security related configuration settings.
Currently, I'm still not sure on this since I've not repro the same error.
However, I recommend that you try the code on other machine and see whether
is able to repro this error. If not, try compare the different server
enviroment or confirguation between the different machines. As for to
reinstall the ASP.NET, I think you may try this in the end :). Meanwhile,
I'll continue to try repro the problem on my side, and I'll update you as
soon as I've any new update!


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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Hi AAguiar,

Please pardon the delay in answering your question. We are still
researching and will post more information as soon as we can.

Thank you, Mike
Microsoft, ASP.NET Support Professional

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Subject: Re: C# call to C++ static class raises NullReferenceException when web.config gets modifided
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Hi AAguiar,

Thanks for your response. Yes, in addtion to something with the code, the
problem is likely due to some security related configuration settings.
Currently, I'm still not sure on this since I've not repro the same error.
However, I recommend that you try the code on other machine and see whether
is able to repro this error. If not, try compare the different server
enviroment or confirguation between the different machines. As for to
reinstall the ASP.NET, I think you may try this in the end :). Meanwhile,
I'll continue to try repro the problem on my side, and I'll update you as
soon as I've any new update!


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
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Hi AAguiar,

I've done some further tests following your repro steps. And I've a good
news that I've also encountered an error when modified the web.config file
and restart the web app to recycle the workerprocess. The difference is
that what I met is a "Access Denied" error, which occurs in the "MyCrpto"
components. Currently, I'm doing further research on it, it may cost
certain period time to find the cause, but I'll notice you as soon as I've
any new findings. If you have any new update, please feel free to post here.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
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Steven, thanks for your answers and your time.

The solution I have found to the problem is to install the assembly
EncodeDecode.dll in the GAC. If I uninstall the EncodeDecode.dll from the
GAC the error comes again.

I think that the NullReferenceException is related to the way the dlls are
loaded. In fact I think that the order that the AspNET Worker process loads
the dlls when it recycles them is different to the way they are loaded when
it is restarted. This brings errors when the dlls are static, mixed (managed
and unmanaged) and referenced by other ones. May when the dll is in the GAC
the loading order changes ?

At least now I don't have the error, but if you have any other suggestion to
solve this problem please let me know.

Thanks again and Regards.
Hi AAguiar,

Thanks for your reply. I'm glad that you've found the method to workaround
this problem. And I agree with you that the problem is actually caused by
the different behaviors when the asp.net runtime looking for the assemblies
if the workerprocess start first time or have recycled. I'll still pay
attention on this issue and will update you if I've got any further
progress. Thanks again for your understanding and patience.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
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Hi AAguiar,

Regarding on this issue, we haven't got any further information. I think
currently you may use "install the assembly EncodeDecode.dll in the GAC" to
workaround it. If you encounter any new problems on it or need any further
assistance, please feel free to let me know. I'll be willing to assist you.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
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