Brian Henry
I am looking at this article http://www.developerfusion.com/show/4472/4/
and at one point in the code
private string Response()
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
byte [] serverbuff = new Byte[1024];
NetworkStream stream = GetStream();
int count = 0;
while (true)
byte [] buff = new Byte[2];
int bytes = stream.Read(buff, 0, 1 );
if (bytes == 1)
serverbuff[count] = buff[0];
if (buff[0] == '\n')
string retval = enc.GetString(serverbuff, 0, count );
Debug.WriteLine(" READ:" + retval);
return retval;
if says if (buff[0] == '\n')
that i know how to do in C++ and C# it's just an endline char, but if i use
controlchars.Cr it gives me an erro byte cant be cast to char... how would
you guys handle this? thanks
and at one point in the code
private string Response()
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
byte [] serverbuff = new Byte[1024];
NetworkStream stream = GetStream();
int count = 0;
while (true)
byte [] buff = new Byte[2];
int bytes = stream.Read(buff, 0, 1 );
if (bytes == 1)
serverbuff[count] = buff[0];
if (buff[0] == '\n')
string retval = enc.GetString(serverbuff, 0, count );
Debug.WriteLine(" READ:" + retval);
return retval;
if says if (buff[0] == '\n')
that i know how to do in C++ and C# it's just an endline char, but if i use
controlchars.Cr it gives me an erro byte cant be cast to char... how would
you guys handle this? thanks