C# - Audio synchronicity . . .

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Stan Shankman

From: Stan Shankman
Thursday, April 01, 2004

Greetings all,

Today, while pounding out some code,
I noticed I was getting vary speedy with my key-strokes.
I was listening to the radio, and it eventually dawned on me
that I was synchronizing my typing with the beat of the music.
So, just as an experiment, I decided to switch stations to some rock-and-roll.
Before I realized it, I had finished two complete web services,
and one complex protocol method that had been bugging me for the past few weeks.

Anyway, this was all such a shock to me, that I decided to share my newly acquired technique with Bill Gates.
So, I picked up the phone and gave Microsoft a call.
Come the melodious voice of the receptionist; "Microsoft, how may I help you?"
"Oh, I would like to speak with Mr. Gates." I said.
"You mean *the* Mr. Gates?" Came the reply.
Anyway, she told me that he had gone home for the day,
but when I told her how important it was, she phoned him at his residence.
I think he was sleeping, because he answered in his "sleepy" voice.
But after I explained my new "discovery" to him,
he became very excited about it, and agreed to add a metronome to the next version of Visual Studio.

So, I guess we all have that to look forward to.

Anyway, I just thought you all might like to know.

Right now, I’m going to turn up the beat and write a compiler before morning.

Party on guys,

-Stan Shankman
I seem to recall studies showing that certain kinds of work (e.g.,
mathematics) go best with music of a particular tempo and structure. I
think they used the sonatas of Vivaldi, though!
Oh, did I mention April Fools day?
Happy April Fools day to you all.

- Stan Shankman