michael horthum
- i am not a beginner, books, or online tutorials don't help, please save
your advises-
i want to learn c# from someone who knows it well.
concepts and fundamentals i currently have (gdi+, activeX, directX,
oop,classes, how they interact with each other etc.)
you should connect to my desktop with netsupport (rdp doesn't work) and
coach mw with skype.
a student who needs a little extra income is fine, i'm not looking for a
industry professional to ask higher rates.
first i would like to start with a basic winforms application, then move on.
you should know how to program, since i'm not a beginner. In the end you
will have to teach me to setup game engines and create simple games.
your advises-
i want to learn c# from someone who knows it well.
concepts and fundamentals i currently have (gdi+, activeX, directX,
oop,classes, how they interact with each other etc.)
you should connect to my desktop with netsupport (rdp doesn't work) and
coach mw with skype.
a student who needs a little extra income is fine, i'm not looking for a
industry professional to ask higher rates.
first i would like to start with a basic winforms application, then move on.
you should know how to program, since i'm not a beginner. In the end you
will have to teach me to setup game engines and create simple games.