C# ArrayList

Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.Linq;
  using System.Text;
  using System.Collections;
  namespace werk
  	public class Numbers
  		public ArrayList RandomNumbers(int max)
  			// Create an ArrayList object that will hold the numbers
  			ArrayList lstNumbers = new ArrayList();
  			// The Random class will be used to generate numbers
  			Random rndNumber = new Random();
  			// Generate a random number between 1 and the Max
  			int number = rndNumber.Next(0, max + 1);
  			// Add this first random number to the list
  			// Set a count of numbers to 0 to start
  			int count = 0;
  				number = rndNumber.Next(0, max + 1);
  				// If the newly generated number in not yet in the list...
  				if (!lstNumbers.Contains(number))
  					// ... add it
  				// Increase the count
  			while (count <= 10 * max); // Do that again
  			// Once the list is built, return it						
  			return lstNumbers;

I have a question how do you read manually through an Arraylist i want read through this ArrayList by Button Click so i have to click the button 10 times and each time it picks a number it should display the picture of the random number it selected till Arraylist is either empty or fully read through ive tried a few things but it always gave the error : Error 1 Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'object' and 'int'

I am pretty new at coding and im trying to build a random 0-10 picture Generator that listens to the ArrayList depending on the number

Sorry if this is a very silly question any help is appreciated :)

- Tim