c# and sql-server express 2005


Rob Pollard

Hi All,
I'm pretty new to using these technologies so bear with me. I have created
a c# app which communicates with sql-server express 2005. When I run an
insert on a table via the SqlCommand class nothing seems to happen! No
errors are apparent either. If I check the table contents in the IDE I see
that they have not been updated.


If I run the app outside of the development environment the data seems to
get inserted properly and can be seen within the application between
instances. Checking the table contents within the IDE shows that they have
not changed?! Sometimes the data seems to disappear from the tables, though
I haven't figured out how or why yet.

When running outside of the IDE I see the same data that was set-up on the
tables in the IDE so it must be the same Db, but for some reason inserts
don't seem to show up.

I'm guessing that I'm lacking some kind of understanding as to the databases
instancing? but I'm not sure. Any help would be most appreciated.

'There are only 10 types of people in this world - Those that understand
binary and those that don't'


Hi Rob,
Seems quite perculiar, but the next you try debugging your app within VS (I
am assuming you are using VS) try refreshing the tables that you are
inserting into to see if the data did get populated. The only other reason I
can think of that you are not able to see the data when in debug mode could
be because the transaction has not commited yet. So you may want to look into
commiting your trans within the code. Also throw a try catch block where you
are making the insertion and see if it lead you any where.

Hope this helps.


Rob Pollard

Thanks for the reply. I tried a Try-Catch (No errors thrown) and I
introduced transactional handling and neither seems to make any difference.
Its almost like the tables in VS are some sort of base template that cannot
be altered but are used for creating other 'instances' of the Db. I know
that SQL-Server Express is many orders of magnitude more robust than the
original Access style DB's and I'm guessing that along with this robustness
comes an administrative overhead which due to my lack of familiarity might
be producing the problems that I am seeing.

'There are only 10 types of people in this world - Those that understand
binary and those that don't'

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