rb said:
I have an older pc that I recently put back in action. I have C: and D:
drives on my pc. Is this indicative that these may be the same physical
Not at all.
I don't think I have two separate drives, but not sure.
To find out, click on Start > Run > type "diskmgmt.msc" (without the
inverted commas/speech marks) and press Enter. This brings up the Disk
Management tool; if you see (C

and (D

both alongside "Disk0" then you
only have one physical *disk* (not drive).
I don't put anything into D: drive, but Windows seems to fill it up right
Check which is your Windows partition by clicking on Start > Run again, type
"cmd /k echo %windir%" and press Enter. It'll probably say "C:\WINDOWS".
What size is your D:\ partition, how much is free, and at what rate is free
space being consumed?
Try searching for files with recent "last modified" dates. What and where
these are may give you a clue as to what's creating/updating them. If you
want to use a search utility, rather than ploughing through D:\ manually,
you might want to use something decent like Agent Ransack
http://www.mythicsoft.com/agentransack/) rather than XP's built-in joke.
D: drive is now getting full.
Will C: drive automatically take D: drive overflow?
No. But even if it did, you'd need to establish what it is that's eating up
your diskspace, or you'd just run out on C:\, too, eventually.
What do I need to do to deal with the problem?
Search for recent files, per the above. Or otherwise pin down and let us
know what these files are that are filling up D:\.
That's the primary thing. You might also want to check what programs and
processes you have running with Task Manager; check programs that start with
your machine with a program like Mike Lin's Startup Control Panel
http://www.mlin.net/StartupCPL.shtml) for anything that shouldn't be there.
(This may not directly help with the issue at hand, but is worth doing
Also, get the PC fully updated with Windows patches with and ensure AV and
malware protection is current. Have you run virus and malware checks?