C# and API again

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Hi people
I'm looking for a documentation of C# similar to java API, that is a list of all classes or namespaces (provided by the framework such as System)containing for each class the list of its methods and fields, and the description of them. Then for each method it give a list of input and output parameters, and for each field it give its type
I'd like to download it
Thanx to all
Bye, Stefano.
=?Utf-8?B?U3RlZmFubw==?= said:
I'm looking for a documentation of C# similar to java API, that is a
list of all classes or namespaces (provided by the framework such as
System)containing for each class the list of its methods and fields,
and the description of them. Then for each method it give a list of
input and output parameters, and for each field it give its type. I'd
like to download it. Thanx to all.

One again: THERE IS NO C# API !

Only CLR classes.
And there are some base classes (BCL) which are specified in the ECMA




But MS has many extensions to this basic classes.
For a full documentation see online:

Or order the MSDN-Library (which contains all docu).


Do you need a memory-leak finder ?

Do you need daily reports from your server?
Stefano said:
Hi people,
I'm looking for a documentation of C# similar to java API, that is a list
of all classes or namespaces (provided by the framework such as
System)containing for each class the list of its methods and fields, and the
description of them. Then for each method it give a list of input and output
parameters, and for each field it give its type.
I'd like to download it.
Thanx to all.
Bye, Stefano.

Buy "C# For Java Developers" ISBN 0-7356-1779-1
Stefano said:
I'm looking for a documentation of C# similar to java API, that is a list of all
classes or namespaces (provided by the framework such as System)containing
for each class the list of its methods and fields, and the description of

You can download the .NET SDK from here: [watch wrap]

This SDK contains the documentation you're looking for.
Alternatively, you can find the same information online at

Pieter Philippaerts