c# 2008 install feedback takes too much CPU load



the feedback for the install of c#2008 places 97 to 99% cpu load for way too
long on athlon x64 3800+ PC. 3/4 an hour later its only about 80% complete,
continuing with 98% CPU load!

Next time installing visual studio /dot product I will likely make sure no

Willy Denoyette [MVP]

gs said:
the feedback for the install of c#2008 places 97 to 99% cpu load for way
too long on athlon x64 3800+ PC. 3/4 an hour later its only about 80%
complete, continuing with 98% CPU load!

Next time installing visual studio /dot product I will likely make sure
no feedback

Are you sure that this 98% CPU load comes from the feedback info upload? Did
you inspect which process is pegging the CPU?


Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]

Two things. First, did you do an install without the feedback? If so,
what experience did you have then? You didn't mention anything about not
selecting the feedback, so there is nothing to compare it to.

Also, what else are you doing while you are installing VS.NET? I mean,
that's a pretty massive install. I wouldn't exactly recommend doing a
number of other things in the meantime.

Family Tree Mike

gs said:
the feedback for the install of c#2008 places 97 to 99% cpu load for way too
long on athlon x64 3800+ PC. 3/4 an hour later its only about 80% complete,
continuing with 98% CPU load!

Next time installing visual studio /dot product I will likely make sure no

I had similar load/install time on my machine, but did not have the option
for provide feedback checked. At least I'm pretty sure I unchecked it. I'd
be interested in others experiences. My CPU is similar to yours, dual core


yes, process dw20.exe which is usually used in reporting back to Microsoft.
and the load peaks immediately after the window popup for

Please wait while setup is sending your feedback



the install itself was Ok. I started it, let the default of provide feedback
in place, fill in the parameter, The only deviation I took was;
I had pre-installed .net 3 run time form windows update last night.
- I specified the install location to be on a different drive other than
the system C: for C# express
Once I was sure the install process was proceeding normally, I went away
form the PC, leaving teh install run by itself

when I came back at the end of c# studio install, It displayed windows
reminding to update teh window. I clicked on the link to the windows update
window, then the OK or finish button (which I don't quite remember) and the
windows pop up for feedback

I did not do anything else.

BTW I just poked around to find out there are temp files named
dd_MSDNExp_MSI2739.txt with timestamp of 09:03 size 1.3 MB and
d_depcheck_VCS_EXP_90.txt 09:24 size 117KB,
Perflib_Perfdata_688.dat of 10:17 size 16KB
it is now 10:59

I am tempted to cancel the feedback

Nicholas Paldino said:
Two things. First, did you do an install without the feedback? If so,
what experience did you have then? You didn't mention anything about not
selecting the feedback, so there is nothing to compare it to.

Also, what else are you doing while you are installing VS.NET? I mean,
that's a pretty massive install. I wouldn't exactly recommend doing a
number of other things in the meantime.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

gs said:
the feedback for the install of c#2008 places 97 to 99% cpu load for way
too long on athlon x64 3800+ PC. 3/4 an hour later its only about 80%
complete, continuing with 98% CPU load!

Next time installing visual studio /dot product I will likely make sure
no feedback


so it even used the CPU resources with dual core. Mine is just plain single
core x64.
BTW I am running Xp pro not xp 32 bit nor vista.

what about your OS?

I will give the feedback another 10 minutes after that I will cancel. it
seems to be hung anyway

Family Tree Mike

Vista Premium.

gs said:
so it even used the CPU resources with dual core. Mine is just plain single
core x64.
BTW I am running Xp pro not xp 32 bit nor vista.

what about your OS?

I will give the feedback another 10 minutes after that I will cancel. it
seems to be hung anyway

Willy Denoyette [MVP]

dw20.exe (from the framework directory) is the ".NET error reporting shim",
it's a crash reporting utility which gets started when a program crashes or
stops responding. This shim is not "used" for set-up feedback purposes, so I
guess the installer has crashed (during feedback?). Most often this is the
result of running a corrupted download image.

Anyway, the VS2008 feedback only takes at a couple of minutes or less,
depending on the upload speed.


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