C#2.0 Form to COM object?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Blaze1
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I have a standalone app created in C# that is used to browse a database
of archived documents called DocDB.

We have some older legacy code written in Delphi that we wish to
enhance with the DocDB's functionality.

My idea was to give DocDB methods for controlling it from a seperate
process via COM (much like Word for example, but with only a few public

I have defined public methods in my forms based class, I have used an
SNK file, I successfully installed it into the GAC and run regasm. I
have also created a public interface for the few methods I need.

But no matter what I have done, the TLB that I create never exposes the
public methods when imported into my legacy app.

The code looks something like this (using C# 2.0):

namespace DocsDB

public interface IDocsDBUI
void ViewDocsForLoan(int loan);
void IsVisible(bool visible);
void Quit();

public partial class frmMain : Form, IDocsDBUI

public frmMain()

public void IsVisible(bool visible)
this.Visible = visible;

public void Quit()

public void ViewDocsForLoan(int loan)
// do something here



Can someone tell me what I might be doing wrong? A small working
example would be very much appreciated.

Are you using regasm to create the tlb?

like regasm.exe ActiveXScanner.dll /tlb:ActiveXScanner.tlb /codebase


Daniel Roth

I have now added the attribute [ComVisible(true)] to the
class/interface and now my methods are visible but trying to use the
COM object yields "Class not registered".