How can I insert or update ByteArray data to the database ?
I get the signature value, but that value is in Byte Array type. I just
wonder how can I save that byte array to database. and how to load the
byte array to show the signature again.
I am using the Signature from Opennetcf.org....
hope someone could guide me how to insert the byte array to database.
and retireve it back later on
thank you very much
How can I insert or update ByteArray data to the database ?
I get the signature value, but that value is in Byte Array type. I just
wonder how can I save that byte array to database. and how to load the
byte array to show the signature again.
I am using the Signature from Opennetcf.org....
hope someone could guide me how to insert the byte array to database.
and retireve it back later on
thank you very much