I've seen enough comments about the signed status being broken (like Scott's
post of yesterday), that I'll continue to shy away from macro security until
they fix it. Which is why my installer sets it to low. So, I've had no
complaints from 2003 users. For now, having macro security set to low is
the only way to be sure that the user doesn't get prompts and false alarms.
There is even more that they fail to tell you about getting a certificate
though....i.e., they "recommend" that you spend even more money to sign up
with Dunn & Bradstreet. And if you don't, odds are you won't get a
certificate or it will be for you as an individual only. Even if you do
sign up with D & B, you're not guaranteed to get a company cert. And then
guess who is liable? You, not your company. It really is a crock.
You might be right about the query issues, but I haven't verified it myself.
It should be easy enough to test the conditions you cited, even with a
selfcert certificate.