I've been given an old computer to work on that has windows 2000 on it.
Unfortunately, I don't know the password to log on to it with and neither
does anyone else.
It says that the old password has expired and a new one must be entered.
I don't know the old one.
This computer has been sitting around in an office for over a year.
It there anyway to get around this?
It's an old E-PC Direct computer that the company is not even in existence
Any help here would be greatly appreciated!
Unfortunately, I don't know the password to log on to it with and neither
does anyone else.
It says that the old password has expired and a new one must be entered.
I don't know the old one.
This computer has been sitting around in an office for over a year.
It there anyway to get around this?
It's an old E-PC Direct computer that the company is not even in existence
Any help here would be greatly appreciated!