Buttons on Task Bar



Have two computers - desktop and laptop. Both run Windows XP. On the laptop
, to the right of the START button, there is a tool bar which shows 7 dots
::Calculator Show Desktop Launch Internet explorer Solitaire

beneath the first tool bar is a second tool bar which shows 7 dots but no
icoms/file names UNTIL I open up a file. At which point, a button (matching
the icom and folder name that I just clicked on) appears on the second task

How do I get this feature on my desktop. I am not stupid - just stumped!

This is not the case on my desktop. Instead of two small groups of dots
(one beneath the other)


mrs1945 said:
Have two computers - desktop and laptop. Both run Windows XP. On the laptop
, to the right of the START button, there is a tool bar which shows 7 dots
::Calculator Show Desktop Launch Internet explorer Solitaire

beneath the first tool bar is a second tool bar which shows 7 dots but no
icoms/file names UNTIL I open up a file. At which point, a button (matching
the icom and folder name that I just clicked on) appears on the second task

How do I get this feature on my desktop. I am not stupid - just stumped!

This is not the case on my desktop. Instead of two small groups of dots
(one beneath the other)

Your "Quick Launch" toolbar is on the top line (row) and the "Running
Tasks" bar is on the bottom line. To do the same on the other machine:

- Right-click the Taskbar where there are no running task buttons, click
"Unlock Taskbar".

- Click at the top of the Taskbar and drag it up till there are two rows.

- Right-click the Taskbar, click Toolbars, "Quick Launch". That will
add the QL toolbar.

- If the two items aren't on separate lines, take the vertical separator
between the QL bar and the "Running Tasks" bar, and drag it downward and
to the left so the QL bar will take the top line.

Go back and lock the Taskbar so it won't move on you.


I have some skill with the problem of you.
You can solve your problem along my instructions.

First. u place your mouse pointer on the taskbar. And then click right
button. Uncheck the "Lock the taskbar". Now u place your mouse on the
top of the taskbar and your mouse pointer is changed to "up down
u click left button of mouse and drag until the taskbar has two rows.
u place mouse pointer on the taskbar again. And then click right
button. Select the "Toolbars->Quick Launch". you will see the icons
such us "ie, show desktop..". now u place mouse pointer on the 7 dots
of icons toolbar. drag and place where you want.

my english is very bad, so I'm not sure that you can understand my
instructions. If you can understand it and solve your problem, i will
be glad to receive from you about it.

Ken Blake, MVP

mrs1945 said:
Have two computers - desktop and laptop. Both run Windows XP. On the
laptop , to the right of the START button, there is a tool bar which
shows 7 dots i.e.

beneath the first tool bar is a second tool bar which shows 7 dots
but no icoms/file names UNTIL I open up a file. At which point, a
button (matching the icom and folder name that I just clicked on)
appears on the second task bar.

How do I get this feature on my desktop. I am not stupid - just

First, note that it's not a second tool bar you are talking about. It's
rather that your desktop has a one line task bar and the laptop a two line
task bar.

The task bar is resizable, like a window. Put the cursor on the top edge and
make it turn into a double-headed arrow. Then click and drag it to the size
you want.

If it won't resize, it may be locked. In that case, right click on it and
uncheck "Lock the Taskbar," Then try again.


Let me try again.... This time I am talking only about my desk top computer.

On my TASKBAR, which is approximately 3/4" in height, I have my START
button, followed by a tall column of 17 dots (consistant with the 3/4"
height). Following the dots is my Quick Launch Toolbar. On this toolbar are
the following icoms: Incredimail, Internet Explorer, Shortcut to Show
Desktop, PC Digital Safe, Solitaire, and Event Planner. All the way to the
right of the Quick Launch Toolbar is my System Tray. I have 15 icoms in
the tray. I also have the current time, the day of the week, and the
mo/day/yr. If I choose to keep the time, day, date in the system tray then I
must maintain my height of 3/4". You mentioned that I have a "ONE LINE TASK
BAR." Which is true. My goal to have a TWO-LINE TASK BAR so that any
file/folder/etc. that I open also automatically opens as a button on the
second line task bar (should I ever figure out how to do this). I have
already performed the tasks indicated by you, Elmo, and Tulgaa. i.e. I
have already unlocked the task bar, I have positioned my mouse on the top
edge of the task bar and drug it upward. For a split second only I see TWO
Start Buttons, TWO sets of dots, TWO sets of icons as noted above. Just as
quickly as two of everything appears, they disappear again and I end up with
a TWO INCH taskbar. I have even tried decreasing my taskbar to 1/2 inch
and then pulling it back up - that doesn't work either. Now, figure this
one out. I am stumped -and I hate to admit it!! I NEED HELP!!!!!!1



Let me try again.... This time I am talking only about my desk top computer.

On my TASKBAR, which is approximately 3/4" in height, I have my START
button, followed by a tall column of 17 dots (consistant with the 3/4"
height). Following the dots is my Quick Launch Toolbar. On this toolbar are
the following icoms: Incredimail, Internet Explorer, Shortcut to Show
Desktop, PC Digital Safe, Solitaire, and Event Planner. All the way to the
right of the Quick Launch Toolbar is my System Tray. I have 15 icoms in
the tray. I also have the current time, the day of the week, and the
mo/day/yr. If I choose to keep the time, day, date in the system tray then I
must maintain my height of 3/4". You mentioned that I have a "ONE LINE TASK
BAR." Which is true. My goal to have a TWO-LINE TASK BAR so that any
file/folder/etc. that I open also automatically opens as a button on the
second line task bar (should I ever figure out how to do this). I have
already performed the tasks indicated by you, Elmo, and Tulgaa. i.e. I
have already unlocked the task bar, I have positioned my mouse on the top
edge of the task bar and drug it upward. For a split second only I see TWO
Start Buttons, TWO sets of dots, TWO sets of icons as noted above. Just as
quickly as two of everything appears, they disappear again and I end up with
a TWO INCH taskbar. I have even tried decreasing my taskbar to 1/2 inch
and then pulling it back up - that doesn't work either. Now, figure this
one out. I am stumped -and I hate to admit it!! I NEED HELP!!!!!!1



Let me try again.... This time I am talking only about my desk top computer.

On my TASKBAR, which is approximately 3/4" in height, I have my START
button, followed by a tall column of 17 dots (consistant with the 3/4"
height). Following the dots is my Quick Launch Toolbar. On this toolbar are
the following icoms: Incredimail, Internet Explorer, Shortcut to Show
Desktop, PC Digital Safe, Solitaire, and Event Planner. All the way to the
right of the Quick Launch Toolbar is my System Tray. I have 15 icoms in
the tray. I also have the current time, the day of the week, and the
mo/day/yr. If I choose to keep the time, day, date in the system tray then I
must maintain my height of 3/4". You mentioned that I have a "ONE LINE TASK
BAR." Which is true. My goal to have a TWO-LINE TASK BAR so that any
file/folder/etc. that I open also automatically opens as a button on the
second line task bar (should I ever figure out how to do this). I have
already performed the tasks indicated by you, Elmo, and Tulgaa. i.e. I
have already unlocked the task bar, I have positioned my mouse on the top
edge of the task bar and drug it upward. For a split second only I see TWO
Start Buttons, TWO sets of dots, TWO sets of icons as noted above. Just as
quickly as two of everything appears, they disappear again and I end up with
a TWO INCH taskbar. I have even tried decreasing my taskbar to 1/2 inch
and then pulling it back up - that doesn't work either. Now, figure this
one out. I am stumped -and I hate to admit it!! I NEED HELP!!!!!!1



Let me try again.... This time I am talking only about my desk top computer.

On my TASKBAR, which is approximately 3/4" in height, I have my START
button, followed by a tall column of 17 dots (consistant with the 3/4"
height). Following the dots is my Quick Launch Toolbar. On this toolbar are
the following icoms: Incredimail, Internet Explorer, Shortcut to Show
Desktop, PC Digital Safe, Solitaire, and Event Planner. All the way to the
right of the Quick Launch Toolbar is my System Tray. I have 15 icoms in
the tray. I also have the current time, the day of the week, and the
mo/day/yr. If I choose to keep the time, day, date in the system tray then I
must maintain my height of 3/4". You mentioned that I have a "ONE LINE TASK
BAR." Which is true. My goal to have a TWO-LINE TASK BAR so that any
file/folder/etc. that I open also automatically opens as a button on the
second line task bar (should I ever figure out how to do this). I have
already performed the tasks indicated by you, Elmo, and Tulgaa. i.e. I
have already unlocked the task bar, I have positioned my mouse on the top
edge of the task bar and drug it upward. For a split second only I see TWO
Start Buttons, TWO sets of dots, TWO sets of icons as noted above. Just as
quickly as two of everything appears, they disappear again and I end up with
a TWO INCH taskbar. I have even tried decreasing my taskbar to 1/2 inch
and then pulling it back up - that doesn't work either. Now, figure this
one out. I am stumped -and I hate to admit it!! I NEED HELP!!!!!!1



mrs1945 said:
Let me try again.... This time I am talking only about my desk top

On my TASKBAR, which is approximately 3/4" in height, I have my START
button, followed by a tall column of 17 dots (consistant with the 3/4"
height). Following the dots is my Quick Launch Toolbar. On this toolbar
the following icoms: Incredimail, Internet Explorer, Shortcut to Show
Desktop, PC Digital Safe, Solitaire, and Event Planner. All the way to
right of the Quick Launch Toolbar is my System Tray. I have 15 icoms in
the tray. I also have the current time, the day of the week, and the
mo/day/yr. If I choose to keep the time, day, date in the system tray
then I
must maintain my height of 3/4". You mentioned that I have a "ONE LINE
BAR." Which is true. My goal to have a TWO-LINE TASK BAR so that any
file/folder/etc. that I open also automatically opens as a button on the
second line task bar (should I ever figure out how to do this). I have
already performed the tasks indicated by you, Elmo, and Tulgaa. i.e. I
have already unlocked the task bar, I have positioned my mouse on the top
edge of the task bar and drug it upward. For a split second only I see
Start Buttons, TWO sets of dots, TWO sets of icons as noted above. Just
as quickly as two of everything appears, they disappear again and I end up
a TWO INCH taskbar. I have even tried decreasing my taskbar to 1/2
and then pulling it back up - that doesn't work either. Now, figure this
one out. I am stumped -and I hate to admit it!! I NEED HELP!!!!!!1

i have always found insisting on using the default bottom position for the
taskbar to be a little silly. I keep mine on the right, it eliminates a
lot of height issues. Try it, you may like it.


mrs1945 said:
Let me try again.... This time I am talking only about my desk top computer.

On my TASKBAR, which is approximately 3/4" in height, I have my START
button, followed by a tall column of 17 dots (consistent with the 3/4"
height). Following the dots is my Quick Launch Toolbar. On this toolbar are
the following icons: Incredimail, Internet Explorer, Shortcut to Show
Desktop, PC Digital Safe, Solitaire, and Event Planner. All the way to the
right of the Quick Launch Toolbar is my System Tray. I have 15 icons in
the tray. I also have the current time, the day of the week, and the
mo/day/yr. If I choose to keep the time, day, date in the system tray then I
must maintain my height of 3/4". You mentioned that I have a "ONE LINE TASK
BAR." Which is true. My goal to have a TWO-LINE TASK BAR so that any
file/folder/etc. that I open also automatically opens as a button on the
second line task bar (should I ever figure out how to do this). I have
already performed the tasks indicated by you, Elmo, and Tulgaa. i.e. I
have already unlocked the task bar, I have positioned my mouse on the top
edge of the task bar and drug it upward. For a split second only I see TWO
Start Buttons, TWO sets of dots, TWO sets of icons as noted above. Just as
quickly as two of everything appears, they disappear again and I end up with
a TWO INCH taskbar. I have even tried decreasing my taskbar to 1/2 inch
and then pulling it back up - that doesn't work either. Now, figure this
one out. I am stumped -and I hate to admit it!! I NEED HELP!!!!!!1


You didn't mention the location of the Running tasks bar. If you don't
see a vertical line left of the Running Tasks bar or don't see the
Running tasks bar, try these:

Drag the QL bar off the Taskbar. Release. Right-click the Taskbar,
click Toolbars, QL (to delete it). Do the same thing and add the QL bar
back, grab the vertical line to the left of the Running tasks bar, and
move it down then left till you get what you want, QL on the top line
and Running Tasks on the second line.

Or try this following Kelly fix:

Line 164. Restore Taskbar to Default Functionality

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