Buttons on my form becomes unavailable.

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I hope someone can help me. I create buttons on a form. I
use simple VB-code in the "Events". The form works well.
As I am creating more code, the form opens fine but I
receive the following message whenever I click on any
button created earlier (The form worked fine earlier as
well): "The expression On Click entered as the event
property setting produced the following error: Permission

This is not the first time this happens. It seems like a
serious bug in Access. How can I fix this problem since I
have re-create the whole form all over again.
I may be misunderstanding, but you do not put VBA code in the box next to
the Event in the properties window. You must see [Event Procedure] in that
box, and then your code goes into a module that is behind the form (using
the Visual Basic Editor). What are you putting in the box next to "On