Buttons 'full name', 'address' disappeared when creating a contact

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button 'full name' disappeared in a new contact form or when editing an
existing contact. Therefore I can't add Middle Name for contacts. Also
there's no more button to enter detailed address (home or office). And I
can't determine why it happened. Can someone give a hint about it?
Thanks Sue,
so there seems be no simple workaround for a 'non-advanced' user except for
modifying contact form template? This BTW causes roll-back to old-fashioned
layout of the 1st page of the form, as well as loss of photoID.
May I ask you yet one thing: where is this bug residing exactly? Can I for
instance backup my .pst, save settings to an .ops file, reinstall MS Office,
then restore settings? Will it work?
As of now, I tried to rollback to ResetO11.ops, all the default settings
were restored, but new contact template still has no 'fullname' and 'address'
Thanks again,
The simple workaround is not to change the General page but instead to put all your contact form customization on P.2 - P.6.

This is not a bug but a design decision by Microsoft related to the number of custom controls on the General page that would have had to be exposed and supported to duplicate the exact functionality.

You need to change the MessageClass on the existing items to point to the old form's class -- IPM.Contact. See http://www.outlookcode.com/d/newdefaultform.htm#convert for several tools and scripts to accomplish this.
Thanks again Sue for your helpful workaround,

alas it anyway doesn't work for me, because I obviously somehow managed to
modify both default (used when creating new contacts) and existing contact
forms' layout, saving it as original IPM.Contacts class. I.e., I didn't
publish a new form separately under a different name. So, neither Forms
Admin, which substitutes default form with custom and vice versa, nor
Existing Items Converter, which can link custom form with a container on a
'folder' basis, could help, because the Message Class itself was damaged.

Anyway I think the solution is to backup everything possible, save settings
etc. then re-install Outlook or Office entirely, and then restore previously
saved settings. That seemingly works, I'll let know tomorrow when I perform
this and see everything is smooth.
No, it doesn't work that way. It is not possible to change the original IPM.Contact form, only to make a copy and modify it and publish it as IPM.Contact.my_new_class.

Did you use registry substitution to make Outlook display IPM.Contact items using a custom form? (See http://www.outlookcode.com/d/newdefaultform.htm) If so, you will need to remove those registry entries or substitute a different form.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
I didn't create any custom forms for contacts, neither did I substitute the
default one.

But, the default IPM.Contact class form _is_ damaged. No 'fullname' button!
And I don't know how ever I happened to perform this.

Complete deinstall and, then, re-install of entire Office didn't help: it
stores its settings somewhere in Windows, thus preserving separate rudiments
from old installation, incl. contact's default form.

Sue, please can you give me a hint where the layout of default contact's
form is saved, so I can erase it and then perform clean install? As I see
it's not stored in Office itself, because total removal of MS Office doesn't
remove the 'incorrect' form (w/o 'fullname', 'address' buttons).

My previous message somehow didn't show up. Bug... or a quirk..?

Thanks Sue,
See I didn't create new custom form, nor did I publish it. The default form
somehow got damaged (no 'fullname', 'address' buttons).

Total re-install of Office didn't help. 'Incorrect' form was remembered
somewhere and after I re-installed, clicking on 'create new contact' produced
form w/o required buttons!

I'm desperate and close to re-installing Windows. I'm already dreaming of
Microsoft developers to include option to restore original forms into future
Service Pack...
On an item using that form, is there an About This Form command on the Help menu? If so, what does it say?

What version of Outlook are we talking about?
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
Thanks again Sue, no, there isn't any such command on the Help menu or
wheresoever, I've looked quite careful.
I use MS Office System 2003, Outlook v.11.
May I send somewhere a screenshot to make trouble clearer? That's already
more of 'social' interest, because I will anyway re-install Windows so my
personal problem will be solved.
Re-posting latest message:

Thanks again Sue, no, there isn't any such command on the Help menu or
wheresoever, I've looked quite careful.
I use MS Office System 2003, Outlook v.11.
May I send somewhere a screenshot to make trouble clearer? That's already
more of 'social' interest, because I will anyway re-install Windows so my
personal problem will be solved.
On an item using that form, is there an About This Form command on the Help
menu? If so, what does it say?

What version of Outlook are we talking about?
If you want to post a link to a screen shot, that's fine. Don't post binaries in this group, though.

It would also be helpful if you stated the problem again, since the earlier discussion isn't quoted.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
Hello Sue, forum members,
after a while, I've found the problem's cause and how to reproduce it (and
to remove sequentially).
Use 1) Chinese MUI for Office 2003, 2) Chinese (PRC) system locale and 3)
Chinese (PRC) user locale.
Full name button, as well as full address button, disappear when you enable
all three of the above, or in some combinations of pairs.
Perhaps it exists also on different MUI's and locales.
Hope it will let developers to remove this bug.
Thanks again, Alexander