A Martin said:
Im not sure I understand what the "hotspot" is and what I need to do to
remove it? And, what do I do to complete the code?
Appreiate your help!
A Martin
I haven't followed the thread, but I'll try to make a suggestion
Your code in lines 25 to 30 is
<a title="Home Page" style="font-family: Trebuchet MS; color: #000099;
font-style: italic; font-weight: bold" href="index.html">
<!--webbot bot="ImageMap" text=" (25,2) (95, 30) {HOME} {Trebuchet MS} 14
BI #0000ff CT 0 " border="0" src="c100h_c.gif" width="124" height="31"
u-overlaysrc="_overlay/index.html_txt_c100h_c.gif" startspan --><img
border="0" src="_derived/index.html_txt_c100h_c.gif" width="124"
height="31"><!--webbot bot="ImageMap" endspan i-checksum="14279" --></a></p>
<a title= >
<!--webbot bot="ImageMap" text=" (2,2) (117, 30) {Biography} {Trebuchet
MS} 14 BI #0000ff CT 0 biography.htm" border="0" src="c100h_c.gif"
width="123" height="32" u-originalsrc="c100h_c.gif"
u-overlaysrc="_overlay/index.html_txt_c100h_c_2.gif" startspan --><img
border="0" src="_derived/index.html_txt_c100h_c_2.gif" width="123"
height="32" ismap
bot="ImageMap" endspan i-checksum="21376" --></a></p>
What I notice is that the second <a> tag (line 29) has no content
Try changing it to
<a title="Biography" style="font-family: Trebuchet MS; color: #000099;
font-style: italic; font-weight: bold" href="biography.htm">
(This can be done in Code or HTML view - just paste the above over the top
of <a title= > )
I haven't delved into Image maps, or hotspots, so I can't advice on this.
However, the secod webbot looks similar in syntax to the first so it should
not cause the problem
Trevor Lawrence
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
MVP Web Site