I am have a access form that when clicking a command button produces an
email that goes to the person of the record shown and sends an email to the
email address on file... as this was possible.....
I was just wondering whether something similar could be done at a click of a
button to produce a templated letter and also insert their address details
which could be printed off easily?
I.e if I was on the record of Mr A N Other at a touch of one button it
would make a word document up..
Mr A N Other
123 Alberts Rd
TT12 1ZZ
Dear Mr Other
Obviously these details are in the database under initials, surname etc....
I am not sure if it is easy to do this or something which is difficult and
not worth doing? but it would speed up matters if it was possible.
Thanks in advance.
email that goes to the person of the record shown and sends an email to the
email address on file... as this was possible.....
I was just wondering whether something similar could be done at a click of a
button to produce a templated letter and also insert their address details
which could be printed off easily?
I.e if I was on the record of Mr A N Other at a touch of one button it
would make a word document up..
Mr A N Other
123 Alberts Rd
TT12 1ZZ
Dear Mr Other
Obviously these details are in the database under initials, surname etc....
I am not sure if it is easy to do this or something which is difficult and
not worth doing? but it would speed up matters if it was possible.
Thanks in advance.