Button to open URL

  • Thread starter Thread starter Terrell Miller
  • Start date Start date

Terrell Miller

-----Original Message-----
I'd like to place a button on a form that will open a
given URL. Can someone help me?

Thank you in advance.

Ellen, you can do this either with a command button or
with a label. Using a label will give you a little more
flexibility with the way it looks on the page, you can do
more with the fonts and background colors than you can
with a command button. At any rate, add the control to
your form by clicking one of the buttons on your toolbar
and then drawing out the location on your form where you
want the control to go.

What you do next is set the HyperlinkAddress property for
the control to whatever url you want to go to. You can
either do that with VBA code or by clicking the control,
then clicking the Properties button on your toolbar. On
the Format section you will see the HyperlinkAddress box,
and you copy or type in the url you want to go to.

You can do a similar thing to navigate within your
database itself. Instead of using the HyperlinkAddress
property you would use the HyperlinkSubaddress, which is
the box directly below. If you click there and click on
the "..." button to the right of the box, you will get a
popup box that will let you select Objects In This
Database. Then you would pick wherever you want to go,
usually a form or report.


Thank you so much!!! I think you've also answered a
question I was about to post.

Thanks, Terrell. I tried what you described in the last
paragraph and it worked beautifully!