Button On Userform To Activate Woorksheet



Good evening all,
Hopefully someone may be able to help me here, I have had a look through Google but to no avail.

I have created a userform which acts as a splash screen, on which I have placed Command Buttons.
I have one which exits the workbook - this works fine.
However I am trying to code the other buttons to go to & activate a specific worksheet within the workbook,
as well as unloading the userform (splash screen) - ie when the button is clicked the userform diasppears,
and cell A1 is selected in the required worksheet.

Any help here, would be most appreciated. I also seem to be getting confused in which module the code should go.


Bob Phillips

Hi Mathew,

Unload me

should get you started.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Mathew said:
Good evening all,
Hopefully someone may be able to help me here, I have had a look through Google but to no avail.

I have created a userform which acts as a splash screen, on which I have placed Command Buttons.
I have one which exits the workbook - this works fine.
However I am trying to code the other buttons to go to & activate a
specific worksheet within the workbook,
as well as unloading the userform (splash screen) - ie when the button is
clicked the userform diasppears,
and cell A1 is selected in the required worksheet.

Any help here, would be most appreciated. I also seem to be getting
confused in which module the code should go.


Hi Bob,

Cheers, I have tried this, & cannot get it to work.
I have the CommandButton1_Click() code in the Userform code module, which I think is the problem,
I have been using JWalks VBA book, and I am under the immpression that a worksheet event must be placed in the worksheet module.
Any further advisce would be welcome

Hi Mathew,

Unload me

should get you started.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Mathew said:
Good evening all,
Hopefully someone may be able to help me here, I have had a look through Google but to no avail.

I have created a userform which acts as a splash screen, on which I have placed Command Buttons.
I have one which exits the workbook - this works fine.
However I am trying to code the other buttons to go to & activate a
specific worksheet within the workbook,
as well as unloading the userform (splash screen) - ie when the button is
clicked the userform diasppears,
and cell A1 is selected in the required worksheet.

Any help here, would be most appreciated. I also seem to be getting
confused in which module the code should go.

Bob Phillips


This is not worksheet event code. I meant it to be added to the
commandbutton code, in the userform, like so

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload me
End Sub


Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Mathew said:
Hi Bob,

Cheers, I have tried this, & cannot get it to work.
I have the CommandButton1_Click() code in the Userform code module, which I think is the problem,
I have been using JWalks VBA book, and I am under the immpression that a
worksheet event must be placed in the worksheet module.

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