Michael Johnson Jr.
I am trying to handle a button click event, which updates a web control
table with data. The button is dynamically created in the table itself.
When I call updateTable() in the Page_Load the new data from the button is
not available at this time as to allow the table to properly update.
So basically, I need to call UpdateTable() twice, once from page load and
once from button. This causes problems with my application, and I was
trying to figure out how I can make this work.
Basically I want to do this.
read data from source
create rows in table
as I create rows, create controls in each row based on data
wire click events to these controls
button click event
update current location var
call loadTable to display new data based on this location var
table with data. The button is dynamically created in the table itself.
When I call updateTable() in the Page_Load the new data from the button is
not available at this time as to allow the table to properly update.
So basically, I need to call UpdateTable() twice, once from page load and
once from button. This causes problems with my application, and I was
trying to figure out how I can make this work.
Basically I want to do this.
read data from source
create rows in table
as I create rows, create controls in each row based on data
wire click events to these controls
button click event
update current location var
call loadTable to display new data based on this location var