"Business Objects" and the DAL

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve
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I *still* can't get my head around this.

In designing a basic n-tier application, what exactly is the relationship
between the "Business Objects" and the "Data Access Layer"?

In the past when I have attempted to make an n-tier application, business
objects end up basically being a representation of the data from the
database. I see terms like "Business Rules" and "Business Logic" and I just
don't understand what that is? I have a couple questions I hope someone can
answer for me:

1) Should the Business Objects make calls to the DAL? ( IE:
BusinessObjectCollection BusinessObject::GetCustomers() calls DataSet
Dal::GetCustomers() ) then the Business Object builds itself up from
the results of the DAL DataSet, or should there be a third class that gets a
DataSet from a DAL, then passes it to a business object to digest?

2) Can someone please give me 1 or 2 examples of a Business Rule and
Business Logic? Tons of articles make reference to the two, but finding an
example is next to impossible.

Spinning my wheels, I really hope someone can shed some light on this.

Thanks for reading,
Steve Klett
Steve said:
I still can't get my head around this.

In designing a basic n-tier application, what exactly is the
relationship between the "Business Objects" and the "Data Access

Depends on how you look at data.
In the past when I have attempted to make an n-tier application,
business objects end up basically being a representation of the data
from the database. I see terms like "Business Rules" and "Business
Logic" and I just don't understand what that is? I have a couple
questions I hope someone can answer for me:

1) Should the Business Objects make calls to the DAL? ( IE:
BusinessObjectCollection BusinessObject::GetCustomers() calls
DataSet Dal::GetCustomers() ) then the Business Object builds
itself up from the results of the DAL DataSet, or should there be a
third class that gets a DataSet from a DAL, then passes it to a
business object to digest?

In general, developers agreed more or less on the concept of abstract
entities, like you have 'customer', 'order', product'. You can define
relations between these entities. Now, for some the physical
representation of these entities in a database model, like in table /
view form, is the way to go. Others think in classes where you have a
class representing an entity like customer, order, product and these
are eventually saved somewhere in a database. So this is more a
discussion about semantics: where is the physical representation
defined of an abstract definition of an entity.

Ok, you can go a step further. Say you define an entity's definition
in a class. Then you can define behavior in that class as well, thus
the code related to the data in the class, like you would do in normal

Take for example logic related to persistence of the data inside the
entity object: e.g. the Save() method. Should that logic be part of the
entity class? Or should that be part of some external class? Or maybe a
generic persistence object? Not truly definable: some say they find it
logical that the behavior (Save()) is part of the entity class, others
say persistence is a service applied to an entity class, so it should
be placed outside the entity class. I.o.w.: it depends on how you look
at things, both have pro's and con's.

You can go even further. Say you have the entities Customer, Order and
OrderLine. You can then define a new class called SalesOrder.
SalesOrder has a reference to a customer, an order and that order
contains several orderlines. The behavior of the SalesOrder isn't part
of customer, order or orderline, but part of salesorder and it's
treated as a single unit.

Should you go this far? Unclear, if you find it more appropriate for
your project, i.e.: it makes sense, do it. If not, leave it.

With all of this: keep in mind that all of this only works if it makes
sense to you, if it matches the way you want to work with data, the way
you look at how data is used in a software system. If you think in
tables and raw SQL, it's a bit hard to imagine what an entity is, at
least it's a step away from what you're working with.
2) Can someone please give me 1 or 2 examples of a Business Rule and
Business Logic? Tons of articles make reference to the two, but
finding an example is next to impossible.

Keep in mind that as with everything in IT, it's largely buzzword

Business Logic/rules/code/tier, it's all about that piece of your
application which defines the application logic. So, simply put: you
have 3 parts: the GUI part which is meant to be the interface to the
actual logic in your application, a business logic part which is the
actual logic in your application and the data-access part which is the
layer which makes the business logic part be able to persist data and
read data as a result of business logic processing.

there are roughly 3 categories of rules:
- single field rules: CustomerID must be > 0, inventory can't be
negative etc.
- single entity rules: ShippingDate must be >= orderdate.
- cross entity rules: A customer is a gold customer if s/he purchased
more than n orders in the last m months

in general the first 2 are placed inside an entity class, the 3rd can
be placed outside the entity class as it relates to more than one

You can see these rules as both validation rules but also as rules
when something is true or not, like the gold customer example.


The most important thing about n-tier application design is that each
layer talks to the layer next to it. The purpose for this is
abstraction. If you have three layers, UI, Business, and Data, then
the UI layer should never talk to the Data layer (and vice versa).

I've seen people create a BAL class and DAL class for every entity
because they wanted to implement the "traditional three tier
application design". The data entity returned a dataset, and the
business entity returned that up to the UI for binding to a grid. But
there is a problem. This does not include any abstraction between
database entities and the UI. If a database table column names
changes, then the entire application has to adjust, including the
datagrid that is bound to the dataset.

I propose an alternative. Use custom entities. The business layer is
responsible for returning the same consistent entities no matter how
the database and data layer code changes. The "data layer" is for
calling database stored procedures to update, insert, delete, or select
data. Next you'll question how you organize these layers and classes
into components. There are multiple schools of thought on that, and
I'll point out a few below.

Start by defining what your entities are, and what properties those
entities have. Also map out what the relationships between the
entities are. You may want to do all this on paper or a UML tool like
Visio before you write any code.

Next what database entities will you need to call to fill these
entities? Are you using stored procedures, or are you using dynamic
*parameterized* queries. I strongly discourage dynamically build
unparameterized queries. What parameter values are required for the
updates/inserts/deletes? What columns will be returned by the select
queries or stored procedures? Have you accounted for all these
required items in your entity designs?

Once you have all that information, it is time to design how you'll
organize your components / layers. As I said before, I've seen
multiple ways of doing this. There is no one "correct" way to do it.
Each could be considered a "pattern", and most are documented
somewhere. Many companies may have designed their own pattern that is
similar to another published pattern. In rare cases, some companies
have some great new pattern. I can't tell you which pattern you should
use for your scenario, but I can point you in the direction for a few
of them.

Pattern 1: "Business Layer Fully Functional Entities". This doesn't
map to an exact pattern that I've seen anywhere, so I gave it my own
name. Essentially there is a single business layer. It contains the
entities, and each entity contains Save, Load, and Delete methods.
These methods may either be static or instance. The static methods may
return a collection of that entity type. An organization that uses
this pattern typically has their own common data component that makes
the actual calls to the database. Some of these components may be
database neutral. An example that many use as a base is the Microsoft
Enterprise Data Application Block. These business entity methods call
the custom data component to make database calls. Then the UI calls
these business classes to perform operations, and uses those entities
to bind to their datagrid, or other controls.

Pattern 2: "Typical UI - BAL - DAL 3 tier design". This design has one
extra tier than pattern 1. The BAL is identical, except that instead
of calling the database component directly, it makes an identical call
on a same named DAL class. The dal class handles the decision as to
what database should be called. This design may or may not use a
separate data operations component. This component may return a
DataReader, a DataSet, or a special more lightweight data transport
container to the BAL layer.

Pattern 2b: "UI - BAL - DAL factories" the only difference in this
pattern is that the DAL classes are not the same name as the BAL
classes. Instead functionality is grouped into data factories, which
may not map as simply to the business entities. Instead it maps to the
database tables. If the business entities are a direct map to the
database tables, then pattern 2 and 2b are effectively the same, except
that the DAL classes have the suffix "Factory".

Pattern 3: "Provider Pattern". This pattern is used extensively in the
..net framework 2.0. Have you seen the membership system? Is uses the
provider pattern. You can create you own MembershipProvider that
determines how each call is made. In other words, you decide what
database to call, what stored procedure, and what return columns are
used to fill the base framework user class. For an example of the .Net
2.0 membership system, see the following which describes how to use
this pattern in .net 1.1:

I use pattern 3 in development of my components. You can see a full
API documentation with some examples on my web site here:

Here are a direct links to examples:
"An employee provider"
"EmployeeFactory and EmployeeDbMap"
(The employee class iteself is a simple class with a couple public
properties only, not shown.)

For more API examples (no source) see the following:
From the table of contents see the XQuiSoft.Security component, User
class, UserManager class, and UserProvider class. This component is
basically my "Business layer"
Also see XQuiSoft.Security.Data, DbUserProvider class, UserFactory
class, and UserDbMap class. This component is basically my "data
The user interface layer calls the business layer "manager" class to
authenticate a user. The ui layer can then store that user in session
for the next page request. It could also display that user in an edit
page, update it, and then call the "manager" class to save the user.

The actual work in the provider pattern is done by the providers. In
this case UserProvider is the abstract base class, and DbUserProvider
makes the calls through the database via the UserFactory class.
Application configuration determines the provider type that is used to
fulfil requests to the manager. UserFactory uses UserDbMap just to get
the name constants for the user database tables.

Note that the XQuiSoft.Data component is open source, and you can find
it here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xqs-data/
So is my version of the provider pattern in .net 1.1:

Michael Lang
XQuiSoft LLC
WOW! Man, what a great post. Thank you so much for taking that time, this
one is going to the printer for sure.

OK, this is great, thanks again,
This is incredible! I need to review my original post and determine hwo I
wrote that to catch 2 amazing responses like this!

Mike, thank you so much, I'm following right along with you and soaking all
this knowledge up, this is a great post.

Thank you for beign so thorough,
Steve Klett

PS: Also printing yours :)

Nice post, makes very interesting reading, thanks.

Incidentally, there's a typo on your front page. In the first sentence
of the final paragraph, "it's" should be "its" :)
There are already some excellent posts in this thread about how DAL fits into
an n-tier application. If you want to see an example of DAL implementation,
you can check the famous .NET Pet Shop application at

The Pet Shop DAL implementation has recently been re-architected using NJDX
OR-Mapping technology, which simplfies persistence of business objects (aka
domain model objects). You can see a detailed report on that project at